MSFS Products

4.1k Topics 21.6k Posts

  • 1k Topics
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    I've heard this with regards to my other turbocharged aircraft, though I have yet to figure out why this does not work for a small subset of people. As a backup, you can use the L:Var, "L:BKSQ_MixtureLeverPosition_1" from 0-100.

  • 601 Topics
    4k Posts

    Bumping this because it is still broken. This issue only affects the Arrow and Turbo Arrow(s), the Warrior works normally. AUTOPILOT HEADING LOCK DIR is no longer referenced/changed with the heading bug.

  • 311 Topics
    2k Posts

    Thanks for your reply. I just bought Active Sky today which I had used in FSX and P3D, and was looking for an excuse to buy for MSFS. Using it today so far, suggests turbulence/wind unpredictability is significantly toned down from MSFS's own weather with realistic turbulance. I had Active Sky set to realistic. The PA28 Turbo dealt with what turbulance there was with Active Sky the same as the other small aircraft I tried it with.

  • 187 Topics
    986 Posts

    Files have gone across, hopefully they will be released soon after a quick round of testing!

  • 155 Topics
    640 Posts

    Thank you for the feedback. It certainly won't take too much longer for the next Hawk update. A new flight model for the Hawk has been in development since the last update with the goal of fixing all the feedback we have received. These things take time, but we would rather take the time to release the update only once we are confident the feedback we have received has been addressed.

    Mark - Just Flight

  • 625 Topics
    3k Posts

    @Mark Thanks!

  • 397 Topics
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    I will advise them to look out for a ticket.

  • 275 Topics
    1k Posts

    @Mark Now it was perfect, Mark! Sorry if I asked too many questions. Thank you very much!

    Alan / From Brazil

  • 94 Topics
    407 Posts

    @Mark Hey, thanks for the update on this! I really appreciate the reply! Look forward to further news, thank you.

  • 50 Topics
    211 Posts

    Ahh. Fascinating! "not a bug, but a feature" :)

    I'm going to have to ask ATC how this is solved. After all, they say to operate transponders on ALT even on ground.