146 Professional

617 Topics 3.1k Posts
  • Product Support

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  • MSFS - 146 Repaints/Requests

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    Would it be possible to request livery packs for Xbox marketplace users?

  • 11 Votes
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    v0.2.1 added (pending release)

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    We don't have a release date at the moment, but our plan is to reenable the weather radar with the next update to the 146 Professional on Xbox.

    Mark - Just Flight

  • Boarding Stair BUG

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    We chose to have the airstairs deployed when the "Start Boarding" option is triggered so that passengers would always be able to board the aircraft regardless of whether the gate has a jetway.

    However, we have logged this on our internal feature request tracker to see if there is a way that we can detect if a gate has a jetway, so that the airstairs only deploy if needed.

    Mark - Just Flight

  • 146 Cruise Speed

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    There were some similar discussions had recently in a separate thread that I'll link here: https://community.justflight.com/topic/6687/how-to-stabilize-kias

    That should cover the procedure for setting a throttle position in the cruise to achieve a stable cruise speed, but please do let us know if you have any further questions.

    Mark - Just Flight

  • Standby Generator bug?

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    @Mark I fully aware of the fact that it is a high fidelity product at an amazing level of detail. I enjoy using it on an regular basis. And I am aware of the fact that it tries to simulate an entire airplane.
    However, the problem discussed here is as much a bug as running the engines with the cutoff switches "off" would be considered a bug, given the "custom coded environment."
    I'm also aware that literally thousands of users won't even bother. You just have to look at the number of voters for any given topic in the msfs forum. Those with the most votes are in the hundreds, at most. Which is incredibly tiny compared to the millions of users. Based upon these figures it doesn't even make sense to maintain a forum in the first place. If you choose to do so, well ...
    I'm holding back on things I encountered because I'm also aware of how irrelevant they probably are in the grand scheme of things.
    But if you insist: the random failure system (still) doesn't work. I haven't had a single failure on "high". Not even in a given amount of time, but ever. There's other threads/responses about that. I chose to not open a ticket about it because it by now you must be aware of that, i'd guess and have probably other, admittedly, more important things to do (developing three planes at once). But on the other hand: I as a customer can't really be blamed for trying it out and finding it in a state in which it simply doesn't work. You guys chose to implement failures. Okay, didn't ask for it, obviously others did. Also, others mentioned that most failures don't do anything besides illuminating the respective warning light. I was one of them, btw! (TMS working flawlessly after being failed manually!) This was not a bug. Just like a car not starting upon turning the key is a bug (for lack of a far better comparison) How am I expected to react to this? How does this pass QC? Does it get a "nobody will notice it anyway-stamp"?
    I'm a loyal customer, and will be in the future, because your products are good, even amazing products. But ye who says "a" must also say "b"
    Literally translated from German. Sorry if it doesn't make sense.
    And yes: I DO have a job and a life. No kids though ...
    Kind regards

  • Glideslope problems

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    Yes, a YouTube link should be fine for our support team. A video typically makes it easier for us to replicate issues and can often save time by requiring fewer back/forth messages.

    Mark - Just Flight

  • Question about RNAV capabilities

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    I suspect the root cause of this particular SID is that there is no information in the UNS-1s Navdata to dictate which direction the turn should be made for that SID. So once the aircraft flies over the 3,000ft fix the UNS-1 is calculating that the shortest direction of turn to the ZB100 fix is a right turn, so it turns to the right.

    I have logged this with the UNS-1s development team to take a look into and we'll see if there's anything that can be improved for a future update.

    Mark - Just Flight

  • Windows

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    Thank you for the feedback. We have logged this on our internal bugs/feature request tracker for our development team to look into.

    Mark - Just Flight

  • Low frequency roll oscillations with UNS-1

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    It likes to do pitch oscillations too, especially at lower speeds. I flew into EGLC now, and on the last legs of the approach as the plane slows down to 210 and then 185, it becomes a veritable lowrider. GS was completely useless so I had to hand-fly the whole thing. At higher speeds it was perfectly fine.

  • UNS-1 SimBrief Direct Download

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    In the mean time if the issue is that you have too many company routes and it is hard to find them in the list, you could add a task in windows to clear out that folder once a day (or each time you log in / start your computer etc) so the folder won't fill up with old flight plans

  • Beacon

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    The beacon lights that we have simulated in the 146 are asynchronous and are based on the type of lights shown in this video: https://youtu.be/WMDocoUILq8?si=WUAZloGVA3SHTpYF&t=187

    I do seem to recall that when we researched this there were different flash sequences from aircraft to aircraft, so we just had to pick one of the sequences for our simulation (we have the type that flashes at different speeds so they go in/out of sync with each other).

    We will log a request to increase the brightness of the beacon lights on out internal feature request tracker.

    Mark - Just Flight

  • EFB

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    Yep, it works when i enter 07000, a bit strange and unnecessary complication, but it works.

  • UNS keyboard

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    You are right Mark, described issue does not prevent from using UNS, only visually looks weird.

  • Static thrust

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    Mark - thanks for clarification

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    I dont´t know if this helps, but regarding Axis and Oh´s I have found out that with the current release v0.2.2 the Rudder Axis did not work and i have to set an Event "Axis_Rudde_Set"

  • Fuel system behavior and other issues

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    10 Posts

    @grue any success? No failures for me so far on high...

  • Engine sounds should fade/LPF with TAS/Alt

    2 Votes
    6 Posts

    We have logged the feedback with our sound developer and it'll be looked into the next time the sounds are updated in the 146. This will likely be around the time the RJ Professional releases.

    Mark - Just Flight

  • EFB not responding

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    We have a few members of the development team that have both products installed and we aren't seeing any compatibility issues between the two, so I suspect the cause of this may be elsewhere.

    Typically, the most common cause of our EFBs freezing is a conflict with some other mod in the Community folder (like the Horizon Sim 787. or Heavy Division 787 mods). So the first steps to check if this is the case would be to rename your Community folder to something like "Community.old" and then create a new Community folder named "Community" and install the 146 into it. If you then load the simulator with only the 146 installed and the EFB works, then there must be a conflict with one of the mods in the "Community.old" folder.

    If the issue continues to persist, or if you would like any further assistance troubleshooting this, please do get in touch Just Flight support via the following link, and our support team will be able to assist: https://www.justflight.com/support

    Mark - Just Flight