146 Professional

655 Topics 3.3k Posts
  • Beacon

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    5 Posts

    The beacon lights that we have simulated in the 146 are asynchronous and are based on the type of lights shown in this video: https://youtu.be/WMDocoUILq8?si=WUAZloGVA3SHTpYF&t=187

    I do seem to recall that when we researched this there were different flash sequences from aircraft to aircraft, so we just had to pick one of the sequences for our simulation (we have the type that flashes at different speeds so they go in/out of sync with each other).

    We will log a request to increase the brightness of the beacon lights on out internal feature request tracker.

    Mark - Just Flight

  • EFB

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    Yep, it works when i enter 07000, a bit strange and unnecessary complication, but it works.

  • UNS keyboard

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    You are right Mark, described issue does not prevent from using UNS, only visually looks weird.

  • Static thrust

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Mark - thanks for clarification

  • 0 Votes
    6 Posts

    I dont´t know if this helps, but regarding Axis and Oh´s I have found out that with the current release v0.2.2 the Rudder Axis did not work and i have to set an Event "Axis_Rudde_Set"

  • EFB not responding

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    2 Posts

    We have a few members of the development team that have both products installed and we aren't seeing any compatibility issues between the two, so I suspect the cause of this may be elsewhere.

    Typically, the most common cause of our EFBs freezing is a conflict with some other mod in the Community folder (like the Horizon Sim 787. or Heavy Division 787 mods). So the first steps to check if this is the case would be to rename your Community folder to something like "Community.old" and then create a new Community folder named "Community" and install the 146 into it. If you then load the simulator with only the 146 installed and the EFB works, then there must be a conflict with one of the mods in the "Community.old" folder.

    If the issue continues to persist, or if you would like any further assistance troubleshooting this, please do get in touch Just Flight support via the following link, and our support team will be able to assist: https://www.justflight.com/support

    Mark - Just Flight

  • APU Startup Animation RPM and TGT

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    11 Posts

    Yes, that is intentional logic. The correct procedure is to switch on the L INNER fuel pump prior to starting the APU, but if it's not switched on the APU can draw its own fuel from the system (the same as the real aircraft).

    Mark - Just Flight

  • CC.mk2 cabin?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Thank you for taking the time to to reply, that's good to know. Nice that it is in the tracker, but yes I can agree it's a 'nice to have' - I mainly asked as I was worried that I'd messed up the installation or aircraft config.

  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Thanks Mark, I'm hoping to hear from you again soon about a possible solution for this problem.

  • Built in push back issues

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Make sure you do not have anything enable the wheel brakes even a small bit while being moved back, that's what usually makes my planes sit up like a good dog.

  • Help with Stencil on the Tail.. (Rudder)

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    Bump...would love to know....

  • Custom Checklists Instructions

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Firstly, you will need to have 5 separate, A4 sized .PNG files. If you then go to the …\Community\justflight-aircraft-146\Data\Images\Checklist and …\Community\justflight-aircraft-146\Data\Images\Chart file directories, you should find the .PNG files of the default checklists and charts. The simplest way of getting your documents to appear in the sim, is to give your files the exact same names as the default files, then drag and drop the new files into the folder and overwrite them when prompted. This will mean you don't have to edit the .ini file but your new files will appear in the sim under the same titles as the default files. If you would like to change the order or titles of your files, this can be done in the 146_checklist_list.ini and 146_chart.ini files. In these .ini files, "FILENAME=" is the actual name of the file in the file directory listed in part 2. "DISPLAYNAME=" is the name that will be shown on the INDEX page in the sim for this file. "ATCINFO=0" means no ATC information will be shown at the top left corner of the page. "ATCINFO=1" means ATC information will be shown at the top left corner of the page.

    If you get stuck, there are some further instructions in the top lines of .ini files that further explain each parameter.

    We also have some information on how to use the interactive charts and checklists on pages 57-60 of the 146 Professional (MSFS) Operations Manual: https://downloads.justflight.com/products/JFF003642/146_Professional_MSFS_manual.pdf

    I hope that helps.

    Mark - Just Flight

  • How to stabilize KIAS?

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    @Mark The procedure you describe works fine. Not only is the better solution but also makes this aircraft even more attractive and fun to fly. Thanks!

  • EFG + Charts Tablets Disappears !

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    EVERYTHING Working Well,...All Issues FIXED,...Moved "B78XH" Mod from FS.to, >Out of the Community folder !!! Now I Have a fully functioning EFB & Paper Charts as well !! (5 11 24). Thankyou for Everything Mark !!

  • Callouts to loud

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    The volume of the callouts is currently controlled by the "Warnings" slider in MSFS Options > General Options > Sound, but reducing that will have an effect on other sounds controlled by that slider.

    We will add this to our internal feature request tracker though to see if anything can be done for a future update.

    Mark - Just Flight

  • „Direction to next waypoint“-Marker

    1 Votes
    5 Posts

    Thx 🙏


  • 1 Votes
    3 Posts

    Thank you very much for your quick answer @Mark. Also thank to the JF team for its reactivity, as a customer this is very appreciated :)

  • Update to Simmarket

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    The v0.2.2 update was sent out to third-party stores (including Simmarket) on the 30th May, so this is in the hands of Simmarket to upload and make available in your Simmarket account. Hopefully, it shouldn't be too much longer to wait.

    Mark - Just Flight

  • 0 Votes
    5 Posts

    Hi all,
    I have disabled the B78XH Mod (from flightsim.to) and now it seems working without any issues.
    Kind regards

  • EFB Import payload do not work

    0 Votes
    20 Posts

    Yes, there were no changes to this logic in the v0.2.2 update to the 146. We have looked into this and the only potential fix we could think to implement would require a fairly significant recoding of a large chunk of the EFB code, so this would be outside of the scope of a minor bug-fixing update like v0.2.2.

    If it's something we are able to improve in a future update to the 146, then we will include the fix in the changelog for that update.

    In the meantime, we advise against using the MSFS Weight and Balance menu with our airliners to prevent these sorts of conflicts.

    Mark - Just Flight