You may have noticed recently that we've made some changes to the 'Your Orders' page of your website account, following customer requests.
Search: You can now search for products in your account rather than having to page through the list of products to find the one you're after.
Sorting: The list of products is now sortable by column instead of the previous limited sort options. The sort option isn't persisted between visits, by default products are sorted by the date they were ordered - most recent to oldest.
Last Downloaded: Products and individual files now show a last downloaded date, to help you see if you've downloaded a product before or if you've downloaded a file since it's last update. Please note, the last downloaded date is set when you click a download link, so if for any reason the download is cancelled or fails the date will still be set even though you haven't completed the download.
Favourites: You can now set products as 'Favourites' that will show at the top of the list regardless of sort order. This allows you to keep a few favourite products in easy reach alongside your more recent purchases.
Hide products: You can now hide products you've purchased from appearing in the 'Your Orders' list. This could be useful if you have products for an older sim that you no longer use or want to see in your product list.
The last two features are accessible using the 'Product Management' button on the 'Your Orders' page. Clicking the button will take you to a new page that allows you to choose one of three options for each product, default, favourite or hidden. All products start out in the default state, and you can set products as favourites or hide them by checking the corresponding boxes before clicking the 'Save all' button. To unhide or unfavourite a product, simply check the default box for the relevant products and click 'Save all'.
For any feedback or issues with these new features, please contact support or make a post in the 'Comments, Feedback & Suggestions' forum.