X-Plane Products

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  • 35 Topics
    113 Posts

    This appears to be the newest of the Threads about the Vulcan in XPlane 12 that I can find. From this and others it seems the only issues with the model built for V11 is the undercarriage and lights. can someone confirm that? and is JF planning on doing an update?

  • 26 Topics
    61 Posts

    @razialaster you can move it using the VR controller. You need to use a VR controller to do it (i.e. the hardware controller that came with your VR set); you cannot move it with the mouse. Hover over its edges, using the VR controller (not the mouse), and you'll see that one of the edges lights up. Pull the trigger (or whatever button you use), and now you can place it in the VR world. It'll stay where you put it.

    This works, but you'll have to do it literally every time you turn on VR, even if you temporarily disable VR in the same flight... I don't know how to avoid that yet.

    See: https://community.justflight.com/topic/4613/panel-selector-is-in-the-way/6

  • 19 Topics
    38 Posts

    Thank you for reporting this. I have passed this on to the development team of the Duchess Model 76 (X-Plane 12) to investigate.

    Mark - Just Flight

  • 20 Topics
    41 Posts

    Using the 151 Sqn Tactical Weapons Unit model (X-Plane 11), I have managed to get the F5 20mm cannon to fire (no Aden 30mm, it seems), but I have not yet found our how to uncage the gunsight for air-to-air use - it should pull downwards under 'g', but remains fixed in the sightglass. Can anyone help with this, please?

  • 15 Topics
    26 Posts

    I have been experiencing the same issue. I recently followed the videos recently posted to XPlaneOfficial's YouTube channel about troubleshooting issues like this. I ruled out the rudder pedals (input and flight control position values are consistent with my inputs) and convinced there is something wrong in the airfoil design of the Archer.

    You should be able to confirm similar by a) in flight configuration -> data output, search rudder and set "joystick aileron/elevator/rudder" and "flight controls aileron/elevator/rudder" to display in cockpit, b) start a new flight, c) Shift-8 to set the chase view, d) press Ctrl-m a few times until you see Elemental forces, and d) begin a regular takeoff. I also set video recording to a high quality and recorded to review at low speed.

    You'll see the position of the nose wheel properly aligns with the desired position on the rudder pedals. However, you'll see lateral forces on wheel do not match the input and expectation. However, you will also see significant lateral forces on the body of the airplane. While some of these forces make sense due to the airflow off the propeller, they seem fluctuate considerably and exceed the expected forces.

  • Add-on for X-Plane

    15 Topics
    33 Posts

    Rockets, Fireworks, Ringing Bells, etc!!

  • 14 Topics
    39 Posts

    There is no traditional paint kit included with the Duchess Model 76 (X-Plane 12) or PA-28R Arrow III (X-Plane 12). Instead, the products feature the "Dynamics Livery" functions on the EFB that allow you to create liveries within the simulator, and the models can also be painted in 3D using software such as Blender or Substance Painter.

    I have just noticed that a paint kit is listed on the product page so I have contacted our marketing team to update that accordingly. We apologise for the confusion caused.

    Mark - Just Flight

  • 31 Topics
    64 Posts

    If I could kindly ask you to open a ticket with Just Flight support via the following link, our support team will be able to investigate this: https://www.justflight.com/support

    Mark - Just Flight

  • 9 Topics
    26 Posts

    Sorry, just realised this is about X-Plane... doh! But I think the same applies - my TB10 in X-Plane sometimes needs reloading.

  • 221 Topics
    684 Posts

    My current setup:
    X-Plane 12.1.4
    Traffic Global 1.1.0217
    Mac OS Sequoia 15.3

    When I start X-Plane then X-Plan itself uses the configured sound devices for "Radio" and "Sound" (in my case the speakers of the TV that is connected to the Mac Studio). But Traffic Global uses the Mac Internal Speakers as Sound Device for the Output of any traffic related sound.

    Does Traffic Global normally use the X-Plane configured Sound Device or the "System Configured" (in Mac OS configured) device?

    Best regards,

  • X-Plane 12 compatibility

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  • Product Support

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  • XP11.50 updates

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  • 0 Votes
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    Hi, I just had the same issue with the Archer TX, and I'm so glad you posted an update. Thank you very much!!

  • Want to re-download, lost my login

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    Your best bet would be to contact Just Flight support. There is a link on the website www.justflight.com

    See: https://community.justflight.com/topic/2/product-support/

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  • Just flight plane default views

    0 Votes
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    Yeah I solved the issue a few days ago, thanks anyway

  • XP12 Arrow III Autopilot

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Mark Thank you.

  • Traffic Global

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    I was digging thru the forums and the FAQ in the manual, and I noted this:

    Q: I sometimes see lots of aircraft parking at an airport but none taxiing, taking off or landing. What’s the
    A: When starting a flight at an airport or when rebuilding the scenery database (e.g. after changing the day or time),
    P3D/FSX builds a start-up situation of AI traffic at this airport, with all the aircraft parking and the approaching
    aircraft some miles out. If you select the relevant ground frequency you will initially hear aircraft asking for
    clearances (depending on the size of the airport and current activity) and a few minutes later you’ll see the first
    aircraft coming in. When flying to an airport, however, the situation gets constantly rebuilt so you should see and
    hear full traffic in the air and on the ground.

  • X-Plane 12 Conversion of EDDS

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  • X-Plane 11 Tomahawk Cockpit Wear & Tear

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  • XP11 Piper Archer TX-LX issues

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    @jpdonlin737 said in XP11 Piper Archer TX-LX issues:

    Hi All,

    I'm running X-plane 11.50 on Win10. I purchased the Piper Archer TX-LX last week from the X-Plane Store. The changelog in the download references 1.9.

    I did not find these issues in the forums here.

    I see two issues: 1. MFD: If I pop out the right MFD and attempt to use the right FMS button, I get the mouse arrows but they do nothing when I click. I cannot create or mod a flightplan nor can I zoom/slew view. If I use the MFD on the panel (not popped out?) both processes work fine. 2. W&B: When adjusting the weights, the only choices are zero or 175 lbs for Pilot and passenger; I cannot type in specific weights.

    Neither issues prevent me from enjoying the aircraft. If these are new, please let me know how I can help.

    Happy 2023!


    Sounds like one for Just Flight support. There is a link on the website www.justflight.com



  • Traffic Global

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  • 0 Votes
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    @jlg said in In reference to your 9/09/22 post re: X-Plane 12 compatibility:

    Any update on plans/timeline for porting existing XP11 a/c to XP12? And if you can be specific, the Arrow III?

    Yes. Work is in progress to get most of our XP11 content compatible with 12. More when we know more.

  • Traffic global crash Xplane 12 B3

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @firewiz said in Traffic global crash Xplane 12 B3:


    After last update traffic global crash xplane12 B13 at start up

    Best Regards

    Have you been in contact with Just Flight support? They should be able to help with this kind of thing. There is a link at www.justflight.com


  • This topic is deleted!

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  • Traffic Global In XP 12

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    @derek Thanks for the speedy reply. Sorry, this may be a dumb question, however here goes.

    When I run the installer, how do it get it to change to locate the XP12 version and not the XP11 version? I can't see a way to do this?

    Or should I just copy over the Aircraft and TG folders from my XP11 set up into 12?


  • PA-38 Tomahawk - GNS530

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @ricks2 Please ignore the post. I've just read the manual

  • Compatiblility Traffic Global for X-Plane 11

    1 Votes
    4 Posts

    @toby23 said in Compatiblility Traffic Global for X-Plane 11:

    @cforker said in Compatiblility Traffic Global for X-Plane 11:


    Thank you for posting this. I am glad that I saw this before purchasing Traffic Global.

    It's the most popular add-on we have for X-Plane and one of the most popular X-Plane utilties across the board. It has been very highly reviewed and regularly updated to work with all manner of other plugins - not to mention that other plugin developers have adapted their software to work better with it as it is so popular. This post is from nearly a year ago and fails to mention that X-Plane does have a pattern of CTD with all sorts of plugins. Worth reading some reviews of the software before taking this as any sort of representative example of a user experience.

  • Xp11 VC10 release

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    11 Posts

    @dipperdolphin You're disappointment is mirrored here at Just Flight.

    We're really sorry it's come to this but we've done what we believe is the right thing. We did all we could to try and keep the project running and progressing but our attempts in the end were futile. Nobody would have thanked us had we allowed it to be released in it's current state and attempts to improve the project ended up failing unfortunately. It's fair to say I think you'd be far more disappointed if we'd pushed on and released it than you are right now. This has ended up being the lesser of the two evils. Apologies again.