Steam Gauge Overhaul

420 Topics 2.0k Posts
  • Analog Baron in FS24

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    @ppmd I had already tried this but even with the blacksquare in my community folder I dont see it. It comes up with the kenmore livery and then i get only a frame when I am in the outside view. If I choose the default I do get the glasscockpit. So I have no idea what is the problem. I only have moved my community folder to the drive where msfs2024 is installed so noit the default. But all mods that are in that folder are working fine.
    I have no idea why it is not working with me, but thanks for your reply.

  • A36 in MSFS2024

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    @notedmoyai Yup, my favorite plane in 2024.

  • Analog King Air 350 - RPN code for Anti Ice !

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    5 Posts

    @Black-Square said in Analog King Air 350 - RPN code for Anti Ice !:

    Writing 1 to those variables will turn the propeller de-ice on, and 0 will turn it off.

    It works, thank you!

  • Caravan Air Conditioner

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    Of course!

    You will also want to turn on circuit #16, by setting A:CIRCUIT SWITCH ON:16.

    Sorry that you still have to go looking for variables like this in my older aircraft. In all my newer aircraft, including the Caravan Professional, I've tried to make every custom interaction settable with just one L:Var, and they are all included in the manual.

    Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with in the meantime! It's very quick and easy for me to look up these kinds of things in my own code, so I am always happy to save my users the time and frustration of trying to figure it out themselves.

  • 0 Votes
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    It works, thank you !

  • 0 Votes
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    From what you're describing, if you saw both the BAT TIE OPEN and the BAT CHARGE annunciator lights, this means that the battery disconnected from the hot battery bus due to an overheat, not a MTBF triggered failure. (I mention this only as part of my looking at the code to identify your problem.) If you didn't see those two annunciators at the same time, it's also possible that you might have hit the battery emergency disconnect switch on the left of the pilot's subpanel.

    From the looks of it, vPilot must use the "CIRCUIT_GENERAL_PANEL" generic electrical circuit to identify when your radios should be working or not. I have that circuit connected to the hot battery bus to serve as the King Air's "avionics memory" circuit. Unfortunately, using only one circuit to determine if an aircraft's radios are functioning is quite limiting for more complex aircraft. I also don't blame the developers of vPilot, since that's an easily accessible variable that would usually be on the avionics bus. Knowing what I know now, I would not have set up the King Air this way, as I have learned just how many 3rd party addons rely on that variable to read the avionics power state. I will make a note of this for myself for future development.

    Answering your question, I don't believe there is a way to reset that failure without reloading the aircraft, unfortunately. Again, I would have included a reset for that failure with the weather radar's "recharge battery" option if I were designing the aircraft today.

  • Turbo Bonanza Manifold Pressure

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    17 Posts

    There are several things that ended up being discussed in this post, including the degradation of engine condition due to rapid pitch changes (a byproduct of my cylinder cooling calculations). Since I know this has been fixed and made public since then, I know the Bonanza went through another round of testing before that release, which did not reveal anything anomalous with the manifold pressure and fuel flow. I also have not seen anything suspicious while developing the Bonanza Professional, which uses some of the same fuel flow simulation code.

    As I said in a previous post, I am happy to look into this further, but a video of the fluctuations would really help me diagnose the problem. If you can provide that, I am more than happy to take a look!

  • Issues with Caravan Stram Gauge Overhaul

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    6 Posts

    @Black-Square Will do thanks for your help.

  • 0 Votes
    7 Posts

    Excellent. Glad it's working. Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you!

  • Programming KNS80 and/or KNS81

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  • please tell me how to engage gps in king air

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    Is your problem that the aircraft is not following the GPS course as depicted by the HSI's CDI? If you have correctly set up the GPS, selected GPS as the active navigation source, engaged the autopilot with NAV mode selected, and the aircraft flies through the desired course, then this is probably an avionics incompatibility problem. Usually this is an outdated item in your community folder, or an old modification that is no longer supported. I suspect that if you temporarily remove everything from your community folder, the aircraft will follow the desired course. If you want additional advice on what could be causing the problem, the Just Flight technical support team has gotten very good at diagnosing these exact problems with my aircraft, since they can make use of so many interacting 3rd party GPS addons

  • Problem with KNS81 mapping

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    15 Posts

    Hi @GunStrauss , I have installed the Analog Baron 1.2 update. Do you think that the manual editing in the file "KNS80.js" is still necessary? Thanks in advance

  • 208 engine stops will not restart

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    For me, i could not get the starter to activate! Happens now & then, but restart flight with engine running works. No "health issues" on AC.

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  • 0 Votes
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    I understand. Thanks for the explanation on this topic. Could you guys just release a livery pack with a variety of good liveries that we could use with the product? I would be willing to pay for that.

  • Analogue King Air

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    7 Posts

    @alehead Have you posted on the AAO forum? The developer is very responsive there.

  • Kingair Engine start

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    8 Posts

    No worries. You didn't ask me to repeat anything. I just feel bad when I reply to one question in one thread when there are many questions being asked of me that I might seem to be ignoring. Here is the news section, for your convenience.

  • Trying to map the boost pumps on the Baron

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    I'm using Axis & Ohs, but the concept should work, thanks! I'd hoped there'd be an increase and decrease as well, makes it easier to do with one switch but that should work. I also figured out I had a conflict with a mapping in the MSFS controls.

  • MS Linker

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    Yes it is possible, the Addon Linker author has released a version compatable with MSFS2024 on

  • 0 Votes
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    It was said on a livestream that 2020 Deluxe aircraft (if owned) would be available in 2024 even if you don't buy the 2024 Deluxe version. So that should help, but of course has no direct bearing on day 1 compatibility for the Black Square products. But you shouldn't face issues of missing dependencies (assuming there are some).