KA350i Avionics switch
I'm unable to map the Avionics switch in the KA350i to any key or joystick button.
I >can< map the External GPU power switch (Which seems a bit odd that we can map this switch and not the more critical Avionics switch....)
Has anyone had any success in doing this or using Spad.Next to control the Avionics switch?
ps: To Black Square: Please don't take the same route that Carenado did... They basically gave up mapping some critical switches halfway through development just to get the product out the door. Please map EVERYTHING.... :-)
@raysot hi, bellow follows the setup for avionics switch in KA350i - the way I did it at least.
Thanks for your kind reply. I couldn't figure out what interface that was, but found it out was Spad.Next.
I'm using Spad.Next to drive the buttons/knobs on my RealSimGear GNX:750 and I have to say I'm liking it more and more.
The other switches that are giving me trouble are:
- External Power (GPU)
- Gen 1 and Gen 2
If you have these modeled in Spad, I'd love to hear back from you. (Ironically, the more complicated ones like the Starter switches work fine. Just seems to be the switches that use their own Bus logic.)
Thanks for your reply. The Avionics switch works now!
@raysot there are a few switches/knobs that animation does not work, but you can setup the function using Spad.Next anyway.
Below follow the ones I could NOT make them work 100% (no animation)
Ext Power Switch
Bus Sense Switch
Gen Ties Switch
Surface Deice Switch
Batt Bus SwitchYou can still configure them using Spad.Next just setup the LVARs indicated below, just keep in mind they might not move though.
Ext Power Switch
Bus Sense Switch
0 (>L:var_busFaultDetected, bool)
0 (>L:var_simulatedBusFaultDetected, bool)
1 (>L:var_simulatedBusFaultDetected, bool)
1 (>L:var_masterCautionLatching, number)
Gen Ties Switch
1 (>L:var_busTieManClose, bool)
0 (>L:var_busTieManOpen, bool)
0 (>L:var_busTieManOpen, bool)
0 (>L:var_busTieManClose, bool)
1 (>L:var_busTieManOpen, bool)
Surface Deice Switch
120 (>L:var_surfaceDeiceTimer, number)
1 (>L:var_manualDeiceMode, bool)
(L:var_manualDeiceMode, bool) if{
0 (>L:var_surfaceDeiceTimer, number)
0 (>L:var_manualDeiceMode, bool)
10 (>L:var_surfaceDeiceTimer, number)
0 (>L:var_manualDeiceMode, bool)
Batt Bus Switch
(L:var_batteryDisconnect, bool)Below follow the ones you requested
In my case I setup multiple functions to the same hardware switch, that's the reason I check the status of another button (you may disregard some of these conditions).
For the GEN 2 just use the same conditions and actions replacing VAR_GENSWITCHPOS_L by VAR_GENSWITCHPOS_R
You're awesome!!
Thanks for providing such detail. I already have the Avionics switch working and will be starting all these other switches over the weekend.
My conversion project from XP-11 to 2020 was essentially stalled because I could find no useful interface for these complex RPN structures.
This is a good step because I'm already using Spad to drive my RealSimGear750.
Thanks again my friend...
Ray -
@anderson This is a fantastic work and information. Thanks for sharing
The Bonanza is working perfect and i can enjoy, but the King Air have some functions i can´t get past.
For example you have here the GEN 1 and 2 for "button pressed" , but i´m using switch button. At this moment i can´t make the GEN1 OFF. If i assign "VAR_GENSWITCHPOS_L (LVAR) to 0", nothing happen.
Am i miss something?Thanks in advance
Alex -
@escriba most likely you are missing the toggle_alternator event, you shall change the LVAR but also must execute the toggle event, see example below.
Notice I check for different scenarios when turning off the GEN, alternator can be ON or OFF, depending on the scenario I raise a toggle_alternator event or not.
I also have a script in place just to make sure the switch position in the airplane panel matches the switch position in the home cockpit hardware, this just keeps them in sync. You may not want to implement all these options, so adapt the code to your need. The action boxes have all the command sequence you need to configure your switch button, but keep in mind the airplane switch has three positions.Regards,
@anderson Sorry no feedback but very busy at work.
All instructions have are good, almost everything works perfect with exception of the start.
I only can do it with the mouse and not binding any switch.
Everything i try the switch go down to "Starter Only". But never to "Engine start"
I cannot find the event. Can you help?
Thanks in Advance
@escriba see below
note 1: as usual disregard the JOY condition (it's a particular check I do due the use of multiple functions to the same hardware switch)
note 2: I posted screenshots for left engine only, for right engine use GENERAL ENG STARTER:2 and TURB ENG IGNITION SWITCH EX1:2 instead
@anderson I am new to SPAD.next and I'm curious where did the [SWITCH_ENGINE (Device)] come from. I can't find that in my SPAD.
How does one figure out all that stuff. All I can do is using the data monitor or event monitor in Spadnext to find out what values change or what events are being sent when I operate a switch or button in the virtual cockpit. This method works fine for some simpler aircrafts but not for the King Air. So ist there a way to acquire this knowledge or is it all guesswork and trial an error ?
Using this I can get the switch to move but it does not turn on everything. If I pull the breaker and push it back in it turns on. What am I missing.I also found the same thing on AVSIM Forum from December
Trying to get the avionics master switch to work for the Black Square king air with my Alpha, using Spad.next . I can get the switch to move up and down by updating "VAR_AVIONICSMASTERSWITCH", but the avionics don't actually power on. Strangely, if I pull the avionics breaker, and push it back in, they come on. Is there some variable or event I'm missing here?
After doing the breaker trick if I turn bat, alt and avionics off then all I have to do is turn on the battery on and the GOS (530) comes on.
So is this an issue in the AnalogKinAir.xml file?? -
@meh1951 the LVAR VAR_AVIONICSMASTERSWITCH alone does not do the trick for the Avionics, you must add the other commands (ELECTRICAL_BUS_TO_BUS_CONNECTION_TOGGLE & ELECTRICAL_CIRCUIT_TOGGLE) as indicated in my previous post in this thread dated back Mar 15th.
I have added what you had. Does the order matter? -
@meh1951 yes, you must execute in the same sequence as indicated. This sequence you can verify by looking into the events page when you switch avionics on using the mouse.
@meh1951 notice there are two conditions that must be observed for Avionics switch ON. You are covering just the first one for SWITCH_ENGINE == 0, maybe you need to add the second condition (SWITCH_ENGINE =! 0) and the respective actions to be executed (in this case you don't execute the ELECTRICAL_CIRCUIT_TOGGLE event(131)). Please refer to my previous post on this thread for details.
@meh1951 do you have the latest version of GNS530 installed (Working Title)+ latest version of GTN750 (2.1.84) installed (including the patch version 1.1.4 and the King Air mod version 1.0.8)?
Try and publish a short video to illustrate the issue, it may help understand if there's something else missing.