Black Square Add-Ons

971 Topics 5.2k Posts


  • 319 Topics
    2k Posts

    @Black-Square Don't matter Nick, with the thousands of code lines you've done it is absolutely normal to forget some. This is the advantage of the forum; everybody can contribute to solve the questions. Anyway, each day I enjoy more the Duke. Many thanks for your work. Of course, also many thanks to Raller.

  • 33 Topics
    181 Posts

    make me think I did the editing (replacing) texture mentionned in the workaround with the fs-base folder, in order to remove the MMMM and get black back sign, and forgot to actualise the layout.json I don't know if having inconsistency in size file or number may impact performance, but I guess it's worth it doing it, perhaps this should be added to those steps... (maybe this have 0 impact and I may be wrong, if having *.bak file listed in the json could lead to issue, btw kept a save of the initial layout.json)

  • 378 Topics
    2k Posts


    No, it's not what you expect from overflying a ground based Navaid.. It's literally an angle offset error. First time I noticed it I was tracking a VOR radial outbound and I realized I needed a very large track correction to keep the HSI needle centered. It was acting as if I had a 100 knot crosswind. Then I did a few tests flying direct to a VOR inbound with the RMI 1&2 VOR needle, the HSI and the #2 OBS all set to the VOR. I noticed that any needles on the #2 nav would track the VOR correctly, but the needles on the #1 Nav were pointing roughly 10 degrees to the left and the closer I got to the VOR the bigger the error. It's almost like if the #1Nav radio was tuned to a phantom VOR that was always left of the one that it was tuned to. I was backing this test up by using the default MSFS VFR map.
    Also, the NAV 1 DME was intermittent past 11 miles.. I could listen to the DME on the audio panel as a strong morse signal, but the DME indicator was blank. This was while tracking a back course localizer where the fixes had DME references out to 30ish miles from the localizer.

    But the good news is, I just reinstalled everything associated with the King Air, including FSUIPC, TDS GTN, The Caravan and the 850 which I just bought last night, making sure to install the King Air and the TDS last and it appears whatever it was is now squashed. I kinda wish I had reinstalled things one at a time so I could at least find the culprit, but this beats any longer process off troubleshooting.

  • 218 Topics
    1k Posts

    EHSI Arc mode feature is explained in the manual.
    It says that this feature optional in the real planes and thereby not simulated for now. Maybe someday.

  • Velocity XL and new G3X coming in SU-15

    0 Votes
    16 Posts

    @Black-Square she's lurking, waiting for the update...


  • 0 Votes
    10 Posts

    Ah, sorry you've encountered that one too! It relates to an internal simulator rounding error that has been with us for years now. You can read about it here. Luckily, there is a solution, but it's nothing that I can tell you how to do quickly. If you would like, I can provide you a file that should be a drop-in replacement. I just can't do it over the forums, so you will have to get in touch with Just Flight support, and then they can send you the file. Just create a ticket and let them know that I sent you. Sorry for the inconvenience! I will include this fix in the next updates for all my aircraft.

  • Printing of Black Square Manuals

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Wow! Since I had downloaded the manual from the site, didn't think to check the Community folder! There's also a feature highlights folder there. For others to know.
    Many Thanks!!!

  • Duke trailer and tablet

    1 Votes
    2 Posts

    Have not had the joy of playing with the Dukes yet, but hopefully on a rainy day soon'ish. Anyone who could shed some light on this?

  • Caravan C208B engine start hot conditions

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    Isn't the Fuel Boost pump supposed to be on prior to start and the low fuel pressure light out?

    I've been flying the Caravan a lot in Africa and so far have had no problems starting.

  • Black Square TBM 850 and Dukes in APLv2

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  • This topic is deleted!

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  • State Saving Radio Selection

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  • 0 Votes
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    Thank you for the response and the instructions on how to fix the issue. I appreciate your work and the quality of your add-ons! Waiting for the release of the Dukes :)

    I was also wondering if there are any plans to introduce a dedicated GTN Xi bezel in future updates, instead of using a GTN bezel for both models?

  • Duke Features to other planes?

    1 Votes
    7 Posts

    Thanks for the feedback.

    "After all: more switches = better plane" - I whole heartedly agree!!!

  • Garmin 530 & 430 - knobs and buttons

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Thanks for the thoughtful reply. Hope you find a solution, as you can see from my test, except for the main knobs, it seems a bit random what 'interacts' and not.

    Btw. I mentioned that I did this mapping to avoid getting a Octavi IFR-1, but I belive that fully interactive GPS-units would also benefit customers of this unit very much.


  • What's next?

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    I would love to see the King Air C90 and the B200. Those will be my dream coming true.

  • Go Around Buttons?

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    Yes, it's the same situation. It should work with all the other GPS units, though. I have not seen a solution for the WT 530 proposed in the community, but from my perusal of the code, I believe it's something that needs to be added within the WT 530's code. I've already made several modifications to it myself, so I might see if there is something I can do.

  • Aircraft customisation and maintenance menu.

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Very exciting! Looking forward to getting a 'cleaner' cockpit. As I don't know the aircraft(s) in real life, I sometimes find it a bit confusing when 'sim-settings' show up on the regular panels. So I like the approach of moving maintenance and aircraft options to a separate 'efb'. Also seems like a logic most developers follow these days.

    Looking forward to the preview, and intrigued about what the 'never-before-seen' features could be :)

  • Turn up NAV radios

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    Are you referring to the morse code identifier? This is not in my control, and has bothered many simmers since MSFS was released. I recall hearing it loud and clear a few weeks ago, but perhaps the latest sim update took a step backwards in that department.

  • Axis Assignment.

    0 Votes
    8 Posts

    Finally got Manual Override working with SPAD. Thanks for the help!

  • LVARS and events for TBM 850

    0 Votes
    12 Posts

    Anyone know to assign a CWS button to a controller ?

    FYi... Geunseli has a full-ish Stream Deck profile available on

    link text

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @bentree Can you specify "starting up"? Do you mean right after loading the flight or after full engine start and ready for taxi?

    I have experienced CTDs close to loading flight but not upon ready for taxi.

    On the other hand I had issues starting to roll after releasing parking brake, which is why I deleted the key bind and use the click spot only.

  • Just a "this would be nice" wish

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  • What turns these lights on/off

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    Thanks buddy!