F28 Professional

288 Topics 1.3k Posts
  • F28 update change log (updated 16/10/23)

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    v1.2 added

  • Product Support

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  • Will v2 of the F28 be the next release?

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    @Sheepie Indeed. Not to blow smoke up Just Flight's virtual tailpipe, but in all the years I've used their products they have been far above the average for not only the quality of the product but how, for all the complexity they build in, they basically 'work' right out of the box. And any defects found after the product is pushed out into the real world with its uncountable variables gets a v1.1/v1.2 update very quickly.

    As much as I am getting itchy throttle-fingers for the F28 V2 (in fact I've basically stopped flying it since the preview pics were released back in the summer because I don't like looking at the blank space on the panel where I now know an Altitude Controller Module should be, or the sunshade brackets with no sunshades...), I always admire JF's willingness to Get It Right rather than to push scruffy product out just to meet a previously stated deadline.

    If June rolls round and V2 still hasn't arrived, or if it does arrive and the pitch control still gets in fights with itself at low Gross Weights (I'll gladly forego animated ashtrays for control logic that doesn't see the trim wheel do impressions of an old rotary dial telephone...) , then I may change my tune. But I'm quietly confident that that wont' be the case.


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    WE want you to be patient ...

  • Stairway lights always on

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    I also seem to have this issue, I even tried to pull all the circuit breakers but they were still on. And when it's dark outside there's this weird dim light throughout the cabin of the plane even though it's powered down, that weird dim cabin light also bleeds into the cockpit even with the door closed.

  • Icing in the F28

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    Always remember that in dev mode you can use a slider to control how much ice is on the aircraft.

  • XBOX: Takeoff Performance

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    Oh yes, you right. I missunderstood your question, I thought you were looking for runway landing lenght calculation table.

    Unfortunatly I didn't find any speed charts on the web. What I usually do is to calculate on what the interactive speed chart in the cockpit gives me:

    If the speed chart is showing you VREF 130kts for Flaps 42 config with LAW 33.0T (as it is usually showing you the current weight and not the calculated LAW), if I want to calculate a VREF for 28T:
    130 x 28 = 3640
    3640/33 = 110.3030303
    it should give you a VREF speed around 110 kts for 28T in Flaps 42 config

    Then of course you will have to add all extras speed regarding altitude and wind conditions

  • Pitch mode issue: not pitching down

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    It would be easier if you manage to make a video of it. πŸŽ₯

    What I can understand from your written feedback is that the BLUE PITCH SWITCH is hard to react:
    Keep pressing long enough until you see the VERTICAL INDICATOR ARROW (on the black gauge mixed with TCAS) actually moving down, THEN you may expect the aircraft to pitch down.

    It is very slow to react, be patient while pressing the BLUE PITCH SWITCH.
    You can not expect the autopilot to be as sophisticated as a 737...

    to ensure a good sequence and a good activation of the autopilot follow the NORMAL TAKE-OFF FLOW:

    alt text

    You can activate the autopilot when you want, but remember:
    if your aircraft isn't stabilized, the autopilot will not do it for you.

    alt text

    If you were in IAS MODE then you switch to PITCH MODE on autopilot console:
    it will be easier, BUT you will still have to press long enough on the BLUE PITCH SWITCH

    Let me know if that help πŸ™‚

  • Hydraulic issue | Hydraulic System Stabiliser

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    ⚠️ If engine are off, HYD cannot proper operate.
    If they are on and you're still having the issue, check YAW DAMPER ON and CONTROL LOCK release.

    Also I think if you have some assistances ON in the sim or LEGACY settings, I think it can mess up with the bird.

    Send a picture of the pedestral and the front panel (such as gauges and HYD indications), see if I can spot something that might be caused by human mistake. Are you following the manual for startup?

  • New F28 pilot

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    😍😍😍 cannot wait

  • V2 Progress

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    @Mark 😍😍😍 cannot wait to finally get an FMC while waiting for the F70-100 release.
    It will facilitate our operations, thanks for the hardwork JF team πŸ’–

  • Folder missing

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    I don't have the Steam version of MSFS to hand to confirm, but I believe the file path for marketplace products should be: ...\Steam\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\Official\justflight-aircraft-f28

    Mark - Just Flight

  • F28 Update (04DEZ)

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    The primary purpose of this update was to fix a couple of β€˜back-end’ gauge issues to aid the MS/Asobo team in testing the product in MSFS 2024, so there should be no noticeable changes from a user perspective, other than perhaps the V3 EFB which includes redesigned artwork and Navigraph en-route charts support.

    Mark - Just Flight

  • 0 Votes
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    Thank you for reporting this. This is something we have logged on our internal bug tracker and is something we plan to investigate ahead of the F28 V2 update. I suspect it's caused by a limitation of having a single GPS unit in the aircraft, but we will investigate that further.

    Mark - Just Flight

  • XBOX: Engine start.

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    Thank you for the kind words! Yes, that's still the goal on our side to release the F28 V2 update this year.

    Mark - Just Flight

  • Speed Command

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    I seem to recall that there was a reason why we simulated the Speed Command mode as inoperative in the F28, but I can't remember what that reason was... It may have been related to a lack of reference material for that mode.

    I will add it to our internal feature request list for us to investigate for the V2 update.

    Mark - Just Flight

  • This topic is deleted!

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    I have just tested this on my side and triggering the TOGGLE AUTOPILOT ALTITUDE HOLD is engaging the ALT HOLD mode and the button can be seen animating and illuminating.

    Can you confirm that you are testing this with the autopilot engaged? As the autopilot buttons will not illuminate if the autopilot is not engaged.

    Mark - Just Flight

  • Detent position.

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    @Mark Now it was perfect, Mark! Sorry if I asked too many questions. Thank you very much!

    Alan / From Brazil

  • F28: Autopilot

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    Thanks for the quick help!

    Alan / From Brazil