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  • 971 Topics
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    No, it's not what you expect from overflying a ground based Navaid.. It's literally an angle offset error. First time I noticed it I was tracking a VOR radial outbound and I realized I needed a very large track correction to keep the HSI needle centered. It was acting as if I had a 100 knot crosswind. Then I did a few tests flying direct to a VOR inbound with the RMI 1&2 VOR needle, the HSI and the #2 OBS all set to the VOR. I noticed that any needles on the #2 nav would track the VOR correctly, but the needles on the #1 Nav were pointing roughly 10 degrees to the left and the closer I got to the VOR the bigger the error. It's almost like if the #1Nav radio was tuned to a phantom VOR that was always left of the one that it was tuned to. I was backing this test up by using the default MSFS VFR map.
    Also, the NAV 1 DME was intermittent past 11 miles.. I could listen to the DME on the audio panel as a strong morse signal, but the DME indicator was blank. This was while tracking a back course localizer where the fixes had DME references out to 30ish miles from the localizer.

    But the good news is, I just reinstalled everything associated with the King Air, including FSUIPC, TDS GTN, The Caravan and the 850 which I just bought last night, making sure to install the King Air and the TDS last and it appears whatever it was is now squashed. I kinda wish I had reinstalled things one at a time so I could at least find the culprit, but this beats any longer process off troubleshooting.

  • 601 Topics
    4k Posts

    Bumping this because it is still broken. This issue only affects the Arrow and Turbo Arrow(s), the Warrior works normally. AUTOPILOT HEADING LOCK DIR is no longer referenced/changed with the heading bug.

  • 311 Topics
    2k Posts

    Thanks for your reply. I just bought Active Sky today which I had used in FSX and P3D, and was looking for an excuse to buy for MSFS. Using it today so far, suggests turbulence/wind unpredictability is significantly toned down from MSFS's own weather with realistic turbulance. I had Active Sky set to realistic. The PA28 Turbo dealt with what turbulance there was with Active Sky the same as the other small aircraft I tried it with.

  • 187 Topics
    984 Posts

    Each of the GPS units that are selectable on the EFB has its own autopilot logic that tries to overwrite our autopilot logic, so unfortunately, I think this is just a quirk of the Working Title GNS430/530.

    One way you can tell if this is the case is if you select the "NO GPS" option on the EFB, and then see if you see different behaviour. With "NO GPS" selected, the autopilot is using our logic and all the modes will act as we intended them to. With any of the other GPSs selected, the autopilot is using logic from the GPS.

    With regards to the flight model, we do have some updated flight models in development to improve the crosswind behaviour. Once we are happy with the updated flight models, will be releasing updates to all the PA28s.

    Mark - Just Flight

  • 154 Topics
    635 Posts

    Did look but didn't find an earlier post from last year which I have now found through google and can see that this issue related to mixture = 0 setting on controller. Now tested by having Mixture 1 fully rich on my bravo and no engine shut down after pressing the ESC key. Alternative being to set up a separate Bravo profile for the Hawk and delete the mixture axis.

  • 617 Topics
    3k Posts

    We don't have a release date at the moment, but our plan is to reenable the weather radar with the next update to the 146 Professional on Xbox.

    Mark - Just Flight

  • 391 Topics
    3k Posts

    @Rich but please tell us you haven't given up on the xbox version

  • 266 Topics
    1k Posts

    We don't have anything further to announce at the moment beyond what we've posted above, but we are aiming to share more details on the F28 V2 update next month.

    Mark - Just Flight

  • 94 Topics
    403 Posts

    @JJ2908JJ If you can kindly contact Just Flight Support via the following link, they will be able to assist you with troubleshooting this:

    Mark - Just Flight

  • 44 Topics
    197 Posts

    When you say hardware, do you mean a telephone/personal computer or are you referring to joysticks/pedals etc? If it's the former, are you getting some kind of error message from the website where you are trying to purchase?

  • Boeing 707 Possible?

    2 Votes
    11 Posts

    @sk0941 +FMS/Garmin-y retrofits. But true classics will keep flying one way or another, and in MSFS, its quite easier if one wants to go old school. Already can fly US like it's 1958 with all the original VORs, NDBs, etc from that era. You can also go all celnav (celestial navigation) and fly your DC-6 or Connie that way, which is how they did it before gyroscope INS systems became a thing.

    The Wing42 B247 included old AN type radio beacons globally for navigation (where they existed at the time, which was limited coverage). The mods and community stuff will expand with time.

  • Starting WBsim C172

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    I did that exactly : I used the tooltips for adust throttle and mixture at 10 and 90 % and it's working !
    but it's not realistic to had to put the both at those values so precisly. I fly in the real life in a cessna 172 and it's more easy to start up !

  • L1011 for MSFS 2020?

    4 Votes
    6 Posts

    L1011 would be my next first day purchase after Fokker70/100 !

  • WB Cessna 172SP doppelte Pitotrohre

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  • Fokker F27

    2 Votes
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    Three from me!

  • BAC Provost/Strikemaster

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  • WB 172 - GPS Knobs not working v1.0.8

    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    after a lot of hassle, it was necessary to delete "wbsim-aircraft-c172sp-classic-PMS530-patch" so that all the commands were operational. It's not easy to get back on the bandwagon after a break of several months.

  • LEPA - wrong taxiways

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    The taxiways you have listed match up correctly with the Navigraph charts on our end, so this may be an installation issue or some sort of conflict with another mod that is preventing the scenery from displaying correctly.

    If you could kindly open a ticket with Just Flight support at the following link we will be able to help troubleshoot that with you:

    Mark - Just Flight

  • F-15 version 1.60 WSO switch missing

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  • 0 Votes
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    I bougth the GCXO scenery today and it did not work for me having isntalling the Islands Creations Tenerife scenery.

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  • Piper Archer III for MSFS?

    0 Votes
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    Thanks Mark, it's good to know it hasn't been forgotten.

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  • FS Traffic and GA aircraft

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @gjereza Any GA aircraft models can be added to the FS Traffic fleet by adding the "Title=" entry from the aircraft.cfg into the respective livery field on the "Liveries" page of the Traffic Control Centre app, and then flights can be added for that aircraft on the "Schedules Manager" page. It is important to note that any aircraft added to the FS Traffic fleet must be fully MSFS compatible and preferably be a model that is optimised to be used as AI traffic.

    The FS Traffic manual can be downloaded via the following link if you would like to read more about this process:

    Mark - Just Flight

  • WB-SIM 172 Classic WT GNS530 - no NAV/COM page

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  • Piper Tomahawk

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    Yes, we have implemented some Autopilot controls on the Tomahawk's EFB that can be used for basic autopilot modes such as Heading Hold, Nav Mode, and Altitude Hold. These will also be able to be triggered using control assignments.

    Mark - Just Flight

  • Nimrod MR2

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  • Textures in 172SP Classic Enhancement

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  • TBM850 - Reverse Thrust

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    The stock MSFS binding Throttle Axis 1 (0-100) gives me the full range of forward, beta, and reverse thrust on the 850 (also the Caravan).

  • PA 38

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Derek wow, I really am looking forward to flying this! Thank you so much for replying, and I apologize deeply for not looking properly at the website! I can’t wait and I am so grateful that you sent me this!