Just Flight

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    No, it's not what you expect from overflying a ground based Navaid.. It's literally an angle offset error. First time I noticed it I was tracking a VOR radial outbound and I realized I needed a very large track correction to keep the HSI needle centered. It was acting as if I had a 100 knot crosswind. Then I did a few tests flying direct to a VOR inbound with the RMI 1&2 VOR needle, the HSI and the #2 OBS all set to the VOR. I noticed that any needles on the #2 nav would track the VOR correctly, but the needles on the #1 Nav were pointing roughly 10 degrees to the left and the closer I got to the VOR the bigger the error. It's almost like if the #1Nav radio was tuned to a phantom VOR that was always left of the one that it was tuned to. I was backing this test up by using the default MSFS VFR map.
    Also, the NAV 1 DME was intermittent past 11 miles.. I could listen to the DME on the audio panel as a strong morse signal, but the DME indicator was blank. This was while tracking a back course localizer where the fixes had DME references out to 30ish miles from the localizer.

    But the good news is, I just reinstalled everything associated with the King Air, including FSUIPC, TDS GTN, The Caravan and the 850 which I just bought last night, making sure to install the King Air and the TDS last and it appears whatever it was is now squashed. I kinda wish I had reinstalled things one at a time so I could at least find the culprit, but this beats any longer process off troubleshooting.

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    I am a huge fan of and I own probably around $400 or more worth of Just Flight aircraft and other products for FSX and P3D that I've collected over the years and I have been a fan for a really long time.

    I have just one question, why doesn't Just Flight ever have any sales on FSX & P3D products? Nearly all my JF products I own were purchased at or close to full price (depending on which vendor site). You have fairly regular sales on MSFS products, why not for us longtime loyal FSX/P3D users? Can't we ever get a discount once in a while too?

    Don't get me wrong, I am happy that I can even still buy older JF products, even if they are no longer supported but I just don't understand why so stingy on FSX/P3D product sales? In fact, I can't even remember the last time I've seen a JF product for sale, it's probably been a couple years at least. I check websites all throughout the year looking for a sale and I see nothing. I realize us FSX/P3D users are a smaller minority these days but we still do exist.

    Just Flight, if you want to make a little money off your older products then have some sales once in a while. You don't have to go crazy but just throw us a bone once in while would be nice. I and many other users will always be far more likely to make a purchase on a product that has a decent sale price than one that is not on sale. What have you got to lose if hardly anyone is buying the products at normal prices anyway?

    In fact, when I see a sale, I often find myself spending much more than I would have otherwise. It would be a win win situation for the consumer and the developer.

  • 23 Topics
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    Hello Derek,

    Thank you for your honest answer.
    It is understandable that the effort for JustFlight has to be worthwhile. If this has not been the case in the past, the decision is understandable.

    Best regards

  • 148 Topics
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    At the moment we just have the Split Cue flight directors implemented and are focusing on making sure they are functioning as intended. We would like to have an option of toggling between the Single Cue and Split Cue flight directors, but at the moment we can't guarantee that they will make it into the release build.

    If it is something we have been able to implement then we'll be sure to show it off in the previews leading up to release.

    Mark - Just Flight

  • 254 Topics
    637 Posts

    Hi all,

    It is great to see thge team of Just Flight is bringing all sorts of classic airliners back to life. Is it possible to develop a Fokker 50 for MSFS to complete the Fokker family? This great STOL aircraft served many companies in the past and could land on impossible short runways or perform steep appraoches. And we do have a lack of proper turboprop aircrafts in the "new" simulator.

    Warm greetings,


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