Thank you to the Just Flight support team. Although they were unable to resolve the issues I had with this aircraft, they did offer to refund me, for which I am very grateful.
+1 for a PBR upgrade to the Hawk please :thumbs_up:
I appreciate this is a non-trivial task (and not a simple copy-and-paste), so I for one would be willing to pay a small upgrade fee to cover the costs :money_bag:
@Flyfox It has always been recommended to start a fresh flight rather than swapping from one aircraft to another as the sim may not always load the correct data.
Again my recommendation would be to start a new fresh flight.
Hi Rich, I did send a reply back in March but I never heard back unfortunately. Is this something that will be fixed please as your files never resolved this issue?
@Rich Thank you, it's working now. Minor glitch in that you have to hold the pickle somewhat longer than 0.8 seconds for a missile launch, or the first rocket launch, but I can easily live with that.
A last a working TacPack Hawk, and on my birthday too.