@katchaplin Well I got it now!!
Sorry I have not realised they were two paths for two 'state.cfg' I was helped by Simon from JustFlight team so I resume:
Too paths:
![C:\Users<my username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\SimObjects\Airplanes\JF_PA28_Warrior_II\state.CFG
Is my path to the last released aircraft version's ‘state.cfg’ file. (Written 0002,5 hours) loading in the game
Must be modified manually to « 0022,6 hours » (or whatever we want)
C:\Users<my username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\SimObjects\JF_PA28_Warrior_II\state.CFG
Is the link to my previews used aircraft version's ‘state.cgf’ file (Written 0022,6 hours) that doesn’t load anymore.
(I did a copy/paste)
Now it works fine! Cheers!