Piston & Turbine Dukes

396 Topics 2.4k Posts
  • Cabin environmental bug - see video

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    24 Posts

    Oops disregard I just read above that some valves are push to open and others are pull to open.

  • VR Clicking spots are odd

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    3 Posts

    @Randolf said in VR Clicking spots are odd:

    There is an option in graphics settings of the sim, something like lens correction IIRC, which should rather be named offset all my clickspots by random amount. Try turning it off.

    mine is off :(

  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Black-Square You're right, it was the overcurrent protection. Interesting. I just now tried failing that and the red overcurrent failure itself to see if the generator would melt haha.

    I don't understand how anyone could or would hate the tablet, the systems depth is the best part....I dreamed about flight sims being this good my whole life.

    It would be an honor to beta test your stuff. I'm on the beta team over at HotStart, you can ask Toto about some things I've found with the Challenger 650 that nobody else did lol.

    Maybe PM me your email address or something, would love to talk more about that.

  • "Go around" button in piston Duke

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    Ah, thank you.

  • KI206, no GPS signal coming through

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    Sorry for the late reply. I absolutely support older navigational stuff. In FSX times I flew the Stratocruiser across the pont using weatherships and celestial navigation (although a bit simplified) and I am quite firm in using the INS.

    However I love realism, so I'd either go old school, radio navigation + RNAV, or simulate a panel how it would fly today- with GNS or GTN. If I would update the panel on an aircraft like the Duke with modern avionics, I would certainly through out all the old radios, transponders and outdated stuff like the RNAV unit, which would clean up the panel and save some weight after all.

    It would be great if we could opt for a panel without the RNAV unit (and in this case, the copilot's HSI could be used for GPS2 / NAV2).

  • 0 Votes
    14 Posts

    @Randolf worked perfectly, many thanks!

  • Autopilot navigation with KNS 81

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    No one has replied
  • duke emergency landing gear control??

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    2 Posts

    Yes, and yes! :) The "Landing Gear Manual Extension" checklist will walk you through the process and position the camera so you can easily turn the handle.

  • AAO for Turbine start up switches

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    Amazing video again. Thank you for the clear explanation. Indeed, anything is possible with my aircraft and hardware bindings. Someone else will have to advise exactly how to achieve this with Axes and Oh's, but I can tell you the exact L:Var sequence you're looking for to achieve it.

    From left to right... Position 1: L:var_FuelPumpSwitch_L = 1 L:var_StarterGenSwitch_L = 1 L:var_IgnitionSwitch_L = 1 Position 2: L:var_FuelPumpSwitch_L = 0 (0 = WING, 2 = AUX) L:var_StarterGenSwitch_L = 1 L:var_IgnitionSwitch_L = 1 Position 3: L:var_FuelPumpSwitch_L = 0 L:var_StarterGenSwitch_L = 1 L:var_IgnitionSwitch_L = 0 (0 = ON, 2 = AUTO) Position 4: L:var_FuelPumpSwitch_L = 0 L:var_StarterGenSwitch_L = 2 L:var_IgnitionSwitch_L = 0 Position 5: L:var_FuelPumpSwitch_L = 0 L:var_StarterGenSwitch_L = 0 L:var_IgnitionSwitch_L = 0

    I hope that helps get you started! Let me know if you have any more questions.

  • Duke Piston Gen and Invert assignment

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    2 Posts

    Thanks for the video! It's a joy to see your setup, but I think that's also the first time I've heard the voice of one of my users outside of Flight Sim Expo.

    Which event are you using for the generators? I think it's just a matter of it repeating the command continuously, as I've seen this with other aircraft in the past. I'm sorry that I'm not an expert on the hardware binding software, though. Are you sending a "Toggle" command, rather than a "set" command?

    The inverter should be very easy if you are already working with other L:Vars. The inverter switch is...

    (L:var_InverterSwitch, number) 0 = Main 1 = Off 2 = Standby

    All other L:Vars, native events, inputs, and outputs are in the manual, if you haven't found them already. Good luck and let me know if I can do anything else to help!

  • prop sync for turbine Duke?

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    Good question! The real-world FAA approved STC (supplemental type certificate) flight manual for the Turbine Duke does not list a prop sync switch anywhere in the cockpit; however, there is a 2 amp circuit breaker labeled, "Prop Sync" (in the real aircraft).

  • Grand Duke Landing Lights issue

    1 Votes
    3 Posts

    Hehe... unflyable... this is a mess 😄
    Good eye... never niticed it and admired the plane quite often from the outside.

  • list of MSFS assignments for controllers

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    10 Posts

    @Kilstorm in AAO, first collect all Lvars: menu Scripting -> Read Lvars from sim,
    then when creating a new button assignment, click on the key down event, and find the Lvar you want to set, and on the right of the field, change the number to what you want to set the variable to.
    That way you can set various Lvars using your buttons. That should get you started. If you run into any problem, feel free to ask for details.

  • Fuel Selector issues

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    5 Posts

    @Randolf Thank you so much!

  • Turbine Beta Request

    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    Thanks, Michael. I really appreciate that. I asked all my beta testers and everyone at Just Flight what the best solution was for accessing beta before I went down this road, and this definitely the "easiest" solution that we could come up with for the majority of users. The replies to my request were certainly not unanimous, though, as there seems to be no consensus on the best way to implement beta. This is definitely a scenario where I wish I could please everyone, but that seems unlikely.

    Thanks for the note. I'm always listening for suggestions. It just pains me when when I'm not able to deliver a solution that works perfectly for everyone all the time.

  • Non-Pulse recog lights?

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    Great, thanks! I figured that's probably how it is in the aircraft...just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.

  • State saving radios

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    10 Posts

    Do you have the TDS installed in your community folder? That option should never be activated for anyone unless they at least have the TDS installed. If you don't use it, removing it from your community folder for the time being should force the tablet to always load in PMS mode regardless of your previous selection.

  • Century IV Autopilot Pitch switch

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    3 Posts

    @Randolf said in Century IV Autopilot Pitch switch:

    Are you controlling it by clicking in the virtual cockpit

    yes virtual cockpit

  • Repair battery on Turbine duke?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Wow how I missed that it says Recharge battery on the engine page. Obviously its not on the Electrical display.
    Thanks so much!

  • efb strobe light indicator

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    3 Posts

    @Black-Square yes, that was 100% the problem. i forgot about it because i am not using it on this plane due to the 3-way switches. thanks for your help. sorry to bug you with my silly oversight :|