I imagine one of Nick's worst enemies is potential 'feature creep' - deciding what to implement and what to leave on the wishlist. Especially when us users start making demands for every aircraft...
Whether they come or not, I also love all these little features :)
I still wonder about the typical operation for heating the Duke. Perhaps different pilots have different preferences.
Once airborne, I had thought it preferable to use heat from the engines instead of the combustion heater, but seems this may not be the case. In the sim (especially) it's hard to regulate the heat with the pressurisation hot air controls. I've pulled the air handles out partway before to alleviate load on the combustion heater, then realised my cabin was 30°C a short time later... toasty!
Seems that relying on the combustion heater alone with a boost from the pressurisation hot air (where needed) is the way to go. This is more or less indicated in the manual's guidance, typically at -12°C OAT and below, yet it also says the combustion heater is a notoriously dangerous piece of equipment! So roll the dice and take your chances...