146 Professional

655 Topics 3.3k Posts
  • IFR clearance for FMS flight plan

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    Hi @martyn , thank you - was not aware of that option setting

  • 3 Votes
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    In cruise, I use the TGT MODE with sync and dial in the value with the thumb wheels. Much more stable for me than moving the throttles

  • Glideslope callouts

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    Thanks Mike, this'll be fixed in the next update

  • Plane bobbing in level flight

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    Yeah, you may be right. I just haven't noticed it at all flying smaller, twin engines planes. I have flown the bigger commercial jets (747, 787, A320, and the 737 a few times and didn't noticed it on them as well. So I was surprised when I experienced the bobbing on the 146. My last flight with the new PMDG 737 was absolutely smooth. Every flight I've taken with the BAE 146 bobbed away at level flight using AP. I did think to myself if it could be related to the trim on the 146.

    Perhaps, I've missed a detail/setting in preparing the plane for flying that may be contributing to this. I'm still in the mode of simply jumping into the plane and taking off. I'm starting to get more technical with certain checklist, but I'm not there yet. It's easier to do with a little C-172.

    I was looking through the 146 manual last night and did notice, the AP buttons, submodes, etc, seem to be a bit more involved than with the smaller planes(not suprising). So, I still have much to learn. I do almost exclusively, use the MSFS Mobile Companion App to help me set up some of the basic AP controls rather than using the instrument panel. It's a great little app in that regard.

    Anyway, I'll continue to read, watch and experiment to further my knowledge of the 146.

    Ona a side note... Back in the late 80's doing consulting work, I got to fly on a lot of planes(understatement), and many times it was a BAE 146. I wasn't into siming at the time, but always enjoyed the ride in the 146. It's a cool little 4-engine jet. So when I heard Just Flight was releasing it, I knew it would end up in my hanger! :)

  • Approach vectors and FMC route

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    23 Posts

    @jmarkows No I haven't seen this one yet I'll check it out. Thanks v much!

  • Few questions for the devs

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    I agree it would be nice and if JF do this I'd be really pleased. My opinion is that MS/Asobo should be spending a lot more time on ground services in general as what is there atm often breaks immersion.

    By this I mean the aimless wandering down taxiways by all sorts of vehicles and inconsistency about where units can be called. I have found very few stands where I can actually call steps for instance. Cargo loading being omitted is a major gap imo.

    They seem wholly focused on the world updates and I understand given the appeal of the eye candy to bring people to the sim which is necessary to fund it's continued delivery and operation. I might feel less "aggrieved" if hand-crafted premium airports like EGLL ended up in a good state but honestly it's not and I paid for premium primarily for EGLL and the 787 - big oops :-)

    It would be nice to maybe have a small team dedicated to QoL/immersion focused on making the environment more realistic.


  • Ground effect on landing

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    4 Posts

    I've now got airbrake and spoiler deployment sorted and I can normally touchdown "well enough" in terms of alignment and rate.

    Where I tend to have an issue is after the maingear is down, the nosewheel does not want to drop and pitch down is very ineffective. I've recorded my landing and the speed, flare and touchdown looks ok but the nose will start to rise requiring me to push forward hard and brake harder that I'd prefer to get 3 wheels down.

    I'm going to do more circuits at EGNT and play with my pitch curves to make sure pitch down is not attenuated.

  • Tip on FMS display

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  • Possible bugs with the AP.

    3 Votes
    28 Posts

    I do seem to recall the weaving issue when the CJ4 was in it's active development phase but it did get refined to non-existence.

    Just on my 2nd flight using the FMS and I've not seen this symptom during either although the weather has been benign both times.

    I did however just have an issue departing 26L EGKK on FRANE1M where it did not make the 1st turn. It is more or less a 180 but at the speed I was going it should have managed. Once I threw a DIR to ACORN everything was rock solid.

    Just one anomaly so I wouldn't highlight as an issue yet - will monitor.

  • Engine TGTS Very Low after latest SU9 Hotfix

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    Weren't they low to begin with?

  • Button clicks not playing at first click

    1 Votes
    3 Posts

    Yes, I experienced this also, but just a few times - on white rocker switches on the overhead panel. Next time it happens I'll make a note of exactly which switches.

  • Trim problems, the plane is unflyable

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    10 Posts

    Hi. I had this exact same issue with PMDG's DC-6 and my V1 Flight Yoke. Touch the trim wheel and the aircraft goes nuts. Has to do with how the trim access is programmed.

    As suggested by others, changing the trim assignment to buttons works a whole lot better. PMDG DC6 is quite stable with button assigned Trim.


  • EFB Checklist and PDF

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  • 0 Votes
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    @jmarkows The rudder requires green hydraulic pressure however we've now added some logic that will permit steering during pushback, simulating the nose wheel steering disconnect.

  • Trim Wheel Movement with AP OFF

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    With the autopilot off, the trim wheel should only move if you command trim changes, either by clicking on the wheel itself or using the elevator trim control assignments. Do you have a control axis assigned to the elevator trim that might be moving by small amounts without any input by you?

  • 'Stall' question

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    20 Posts

    @magdalina Thank you. Just worth mentioing for the recrord if this issue pops up again.


    0 Votes
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    @martyn Thank you so much. That is awesome...When will the update be available?

  • Flight director behaviour on AP disc.

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    This will be fixed in the next update

  • MSFS BAE-146 - Com-2 Monitoring

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    @martyn I've done a little testing and I often get the same thing with Nav 1, it's incorrect or silent. I've confirmed it with other planes as well.

    I do have Navigraph updating the MSFS data and removing that did fix that for the C152 but not the 146, but it was a quick test and I didn't use the same VOR so I wouldn't say it's conclusive just yet, need to poke around more.

  • PERF Button / CRZ ALT missing

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    The PERF page wasn't included at release as there is no VNAV integration so it'd just be a repeat of what's available from the performance charts and speeds card, but we'll look into adding it in a future update if people would like it just for reference purposes.