@Mark I did some more "holding flights" and it definitely needs investigation.
-Often i notice that the RJ is turning first a bit in the wrong direction before entering the holding pattern. Example entering the KERKY holding at Brussels
-Entering a holding pattern from a direction different from the inbound track seems impossible with LNAV. I manage to enter the holding pattern only with HDG select until the RJ is more or less on the standard inbound track, thereafter switching to LNAV is ok.
-Unable to exit the holding using FMS2.
-The holding pattern might be flown more accurate too i feel. The RJ should correct wind effects more precise.
-Clicking NEXT HOLD deletes the waypoints on the legs page between present position and the next holding fix. Shouldn't it just add a next holding to the legs page ?
Flying the RJ is wonderful, congratulations to the developing team