Not familiar with your equipment, but… Real World. Is the HSI mechanical or is it an MFD (multi function display)? If it is an MFD there may be an option to display the ‘HSI’ hdg as magnetic or true. That will be indicated my a ‘M’ or ‘T’ symbol, typically shown at the top of the display. What ever the case, unless otherwise indicated, a wind arm / speed would normally follow the convention of the hdg source for the HSI display. But to further complicate matters. The computer wind direction/speed can be derived from all manner of data; TRK, G/S, TAS, EAS, OAT, etc, etc. What (wind and speed) is shown is that which is being experienced by the a/c in flight, so in the real world it would be at altitude - NOT surface wind.
I hope that helps, sorry if it doesn’t. BTW, at extremes of latitude some equipment manufacturers require the a/c to be flown with reference to true hdg only.