@frankattilio I agree that having the rudder steer is technically incorrect but my gut feel is that the whole thing is skewed by the overall flawed MSFS ground handling.
I upvoted the MS forum post to fix that but it's been noted as an issue since day 1 so I'm not hopeful.
In the interim I like the rudder steering as a work-around but accept that's a very personal preference.
I also feel the rudder doesn't have enough authority during take-off or landing rolls. My understanding is it should be effective above around 50kts but for me I end up with full right/left boot in and still drifting so don't use it at all now - only diff brakes.
A mate told me there's a modified hawk flight model on flightsim.to which changes rudder auth so I may try that but I'm loathe to break something else in the process tbh.