Cheers for getting back to me! All great to hear!
I definetly didn't press the 'On' button on the Nav 1 Control Head - woops
To help with your inquiry regarding bleed load I've attached some photos from a bleed balance run on an Avro ages ago. Sorry I don't have pics from a 146 run.
Of course the 507's use EGT not TGT but you can extrapolate what you will from the noted EGT increases and get something that I believe will be close enough.
As for Anti/De-Ice load - with those on you can also probably add a good 20-25 degrees to TGT.
Disregard the numbers with #3 & #4 - it was during bleed balancing and that whole side was out of wack.
1 & 2 ENG AIR OFF - 3 & 4 ON - PACK 1 & 2 ON
Engine 1 & 2
1, 2, 3, 4 ENG AIR ON - PACK 1 & 2 ON
Bleed On