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    No, it's not what you expect from overflying a ground based Navaid.. It's literally an angle offset error. First time I noticed it I was tracking a VOR radial outbound and I realized I needed a very large track correction to keep the HSI needle centered. It was acting as if I had a 100 knot crosswind. Then I did a few tests flying direct to a VOR inbound with the RMI 1&2 VOR needle, the HSI and the #2 OBS all set to the VOR. I noticed that any needles on the #2 nav would track the VOR correctly, but the needles on the #1 Nav were pointing roughly 10 degrees to the left and the closer I got to the VOR the bigger the error. It's almost like if the #1Nav radio was tuned to a phantom VOR that was always left of the one that it was tuned to. I was backing this test up by using the default MSFS VFR map.
    Also, the NAV 1 DME was intermittent past 11 miles.. I could listen to the DME on the audio panel as a strong morse signal, but the DME indicator was blank. This was while tracking a back course localizer where the fixes had DME references out to 30ish miles from the localizer.

    But the good news is, I just reinstalled everything associated with the King Air, including FSUIPC, TDS GTN, The Caravan and the 850 which I just bought last night, making sure to install the King Air and the TDS last and it appears whatever it was is now squashed. I kinda wish I had reinstalled things one at a time so I could at least find the culprit, but this beats any longer process off troubleshooting.

  • 0 Votes
    8 Posts

    Hopefully growth can convert into investment in resourcing in order to sustain the momentum and timely updates to the larger product set. Contingency planning needs a second high skilled resource as well.
    Wish I could have attended the expo to congratulate you on what you have achieved to date. Really fantastic, stepped up my enjoyment of flight sim which I take quite seriously in my retirement days.

  • 1 Votes
    4 Posts

    @Rich but please tell us you haven't given up on the xbox version

  • Strange schedule problem RYR

    FS Traffic
    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    I have just checked on my install and my TCC is showing RYR, RUK and TOM entries in the Aircraft Manager > Liveries > 73H table. We have 3 RYR liveries, 1 RUK livery, and 1 TOM 73H livery included with FS Traffic, so perhaps you may have deleted them from the table inadvertently?

    To add a new entry to the Liveries table, right-click on the table and select "Add New Entry". A window will then open prompting you to add the required information for the new entry. Once a new entry has been created, liveries can be added to it via the Liveries table.

    Hope that helps.

    Mark - Just Flight

  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Turned off McAfee and switched on Microsoft Defender. Downloaded and scanned without issue. Now up and running with McAfee switched back on

  • 0 Votes
    14 Posts

    @Black-Square Don't matter Nick, with the thousands of code lines you've done it is absolutely normal to forget some. This is the advantage of the forum; everybody can contribute to solve the questions. Anyway, each day I enjoy more the Duke. Many thanks for your work. Of course, also many thanks to Raller.

  • AI Suggestion for EGHC

    FS Traffic
    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    I managed to find the JF tutorial on YouTube and also a good AI King Air 350 in the GA Mod as a substitution for now :)

  • Updates?

    FS Traffic
    3 Votes
    17 Posts

    @CapturingBearing2024 said in Updates?:

    Hello Rich, what would the update include ??

    Amongst various bug fixes and enhancements will be additional liveries for the existing models. Currently we are in talks with a couple of supplier to source updated flight plan information (which hopefully would include some cargo routes).
    There is also the possibility of adding some new models, but this is not confirmed at the moment.

  • 1 Votes
    4 Posts

    @Black-Square oh wow! Thankyou, that's a rather bizzar feature. I have been educated, appologies for the duplication!

  • Forthcoming update for the TBM8

    TBM 850
    1 Votes
    25 Posts

    EHSI Arc mode feature is explained in the manual.
    It says that this feature optional in the real planes and thereby not simulated for now. Maybe someday.

  • 0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @DrZGard said in King Air, KNS-80 RNAV, AP NAV mode does not work!:

    In the Duke the RNAV will drive the autopilot but only if no GPS is selected on the panel, a workaround discovered during the Duke's development. BlackSquare does plan to implement this functionality at least in the Baron and Bonanza and hopefully the King Air and Caravan as well. I am really hoping for a King Air panel with the CTL radio heads flanking the center radar and below that the KNS81 and KLN90B replacing the KNS80. I'd even ante up a C note to help make that happen!

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    Dude, I know it's been a few months, but I did what you suggested. Although a lot of work, it worked great. I downloaded all my planes from IVAO MTL and inserted them in FS Traffic. So cool to see a line of America West planes at PHX.

  • 0 Votes
    19 Posts

    @Black-Square said in Black Air King Air 350- "PITCH TRIM AP/YD" и " AP ENG" events ?:

    here is the full code

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  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Thanks, I got it. There are some nuances - but everything works adequately!

  • 0 Votes
    6 Posts

    @Black-Square said in Turbine Duke minor tablet/cabin temp bug:

    It's done :) I forgot that the sound was already there, so it was much less trouble than I was expecting. Thanks for prompting me to add this feature.

    Awesome, thank you for your quick response! This will be a major quality of life improvement for me in the TBM.

    I asked the Turbine Duke owner my aircraft is modelled after, and he confirmed that it often requires differential power lever settings, which is why he prefers not to use the air conditioning at all, since it puts differential wear on the two engines.

    Very interesting input, thanks! That's what I was wondering about. I had to taxi with the left engine in beta and the right engine above idle which felt quite odd. It was too hot not to use the AC though.

    Can you give me some more specifics on what scenario you have produced where the target temperature does not turn red?

    Fortunately I took a screenshot. I was cruising at FL270, -33°C OAT and had the temp mode in auto heat. I played around with the press. air temp/bleed air handles and pushed both fully in. As expected the cabin temp started to decrease rapidly but the target temp did not turn red. I was under the impression that it would turn red as soon as the desired temperature was unable to be reached but if there is a threshold that probably explains it. I only waited a couple of seconds so I don't know how low the cabin temp would've gotten.
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  • Boeing 707 Possible?

    MSFS Products
    2 Votes
    11 Posts

    @sk0941 +FMS/Garmin-y retrofits. But true classics will keep flying one way or another, and in MSFS, its quite easier if one wants to go old school. Already can fly US like it's 1958 with all the original VORs, NDBs, etc from that era. You can also go all celnav (celestial navigation) and fly your DC-6 or Connie that way, which is how they did it before gyroscope INS systems became a thing.



    The Wing42 B247 included old AN type radio beacons globally for navigation (where they existed at the time, which was limited coverage). The mods and community stuff will expand with time.

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  • Future of the F28

    F28 Professional
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    We don't have anything further to announce at the moment beyond what we've posted above, but we are aiming to share more details on the F28 V2 update next month.

    Mark - Just Flight

  • 1 Votes
    7 Posts

    We don't have a release date at the moment, but our plan is to reenable the weather radar with the next update to the 146 Professional on Xbox.

    Mark - Just Flight

  • Boarding Stair BUG

    146 Professional
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    2 Posts

    We chose to have the airstairs deployed when the "Start Boarding" option is triggered so that passengers would always be able to board the aircraft regardless of whether the gate has a jetway.

    However, we have logged this on our internal feature request tracker to see if there is a way that we can detect if a gate has a jetway, so that the airstairs only deploy if needed.

    Mark - Just Flight