MarcKC is absolutely correct as to the cause, solution, and why I haven't implemented it yet. Adding the new functionality from working title drastically upsets the fuel flow, which affects everything from the turbochargers, the gauges, engine performance (performance tables), tablet visualizers, and even the EDM-760. I spent several hours before releasing v1.1 to see if this could be made an easy fix, but every step I took unraveled hours worth of issues. However, hope is not lost. These changes often follow patterns for which equations can be fit to remove the guesswork from the operation, but they can be difficult to see while you're trying to preserve the balance of existing software (noticing a loss of 2-3kts of cruising speed at some altitude necessitates reexamining all the performance tables to ensure the aircraft remains within the envelope and any adjustments are made to restore the original performance). What usually happens is that I will develop a new aircraft from scratch with this technology change, and then, once I have figured out its nuances and created new equations, I will port it back to my previous aircraft when I am convinced that I have caught all the unintended consequences.
In summary, sometimes software problems are easy and affect only one thing, and sometimes they are hard and affect more things than you even know. This one is the latter. I will be using the new fuel flow technology for my future reciprocating engine aircraft, and once it works flawlessly there, I will bring it back into the Duke. Thank you for reading, and thank you for enjoying my aircraft so thoroughly that these details matter to you!