Turbine Duke - no power / RPM / fuel flow change in runup
I'm just getting the Turbine Duke setup and appear to have correctly set my Honeycomb Throttle Quadrant bindings (and have checked there are no duplicate bindings sitting in the background). Engine start was good, and moving my physical power, prop and condition levers all cause the a/c levers to also move correctly.
If I release the brakes and move the power levers forward out of beta, the aircraft starts to move forward, so that's also OK. However, when I put the brakes on, and attempt a runup by increasing the power levers, even to max (with prop levers forward to full fine), I get NO RPM, fuel flow or power increase ... so of course cannot do the runup, and strongly suspect something is not working correctly.
What could I possibly be doing wrong?
Ah, just worked it out - for the very first engine start I used CTL-E to just get things underway to do some testing ... but that executes a dreadful hot start by feeding in fuel at a very low N2, so in one single start I actually completely destroyed both engines to 0%, so have reset those and all good now.