Black Square Add-Ons

1.1k Topics 5.8k Posts


  • 364 Topics
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    All engine damage, performance, and system failure parameters are saved, as well as many flight configuration items, such as fuel and payload. Beyond that, I may go back some day and implement more complete state saving across all my aircraft, but it's quite difficult with the limitations of working within the simulator's JavaScript context, unlike aircraft with WASM and external software to do the heavy lifting. I'm glad you're enjoying the aircraft, and let me know if there is ever anything else I can do for you!

  • 33 Topics
    187 Posts

    Excellent. Glad it's working for you. I've updated the link to download the file again for anyone who runs across this in the future.

  • 384 Topics
    2k Posts

    I just bought the Steam Gauge Overhaul - Analog Bonanza.
    the bendix RDR 1150 XL color Weather radar does not work.
    i have no weather radar image and especially i do not have access to the Systems Screen.
    The BENDIX screen indicates:


    i rotate the mode knob on the weather radar, but for each position, i always have the same screen: WARNING....

    What is the cause of this problem?

    MSFS is up to date

    thanks for helping me

  • 267 Topics
    2k Posts

    Personnaly, even though I'd had to pay for new soundset, i'll do it. (for the TBM 850, King Air 350) and i haven't bought the Caravan because the sound. Realistic sound is very important for me.

  • 1 Votes
    10 Posts

    This is the time on Sprockets when we dance … wait, no, it’s the time when I gently and sadly say “told ya so”. ;)

    The recommended CPU spec for 2024 is out, and has jumped by about 50% from 2020. My i7-6700k was slightly above the recommended CPU spec for 2020, but falls short of even the minimum spec for 2024. Since I’m at least a couple of years away from being able to swing new hardware, I’ll be forced to stay on 2020 for quite a while yet. So I dearly hope the existing BlackSquare products don’t discard 2020 compatibility. (Mind you, I don’t think it’s quite reasonable to expect Black Square to keep supporting 2020 for new products … but I won’t be able to purchase and enjoy them.)

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  • Velocity XL mixture assignment in AAO

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    3 Posts

    Than you for your suggestion. At first I could not get it working.
    After some more tinkering I got the lever working with these settings:

    for Variable: L:BKSQ_MixtureLeverPosition_1, Number
    >> Yep, 'Number' must be included Axis min: 0, Axis max: 1
    >> 'with 100' the lever jumped from idle to max at once Update value: Rounding 'Float'
    >>if you leave it at integer it doesn't work

    These settings work for the Piston Duke also.

  • Velocity XL and new G3X coming in SU-15

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    29 Posts

    I did a few flights and it's such a great plane. The engine management with the new lean assist and monitoring, plus customizable screen layout makes it even better than before.

    @Black-Square do you plan to add any minor features or enhancements to it after Starship is done? All I can think of would making high-res textures for the landing gear bays (they show up in the external views or when people inspect the plane on the ground), and the reversible prop would be really cool. Some dirt maybe.

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  • Black Square Starship Walkaround Video

    2 Votes
    13 Posts

    In addition to being one of the coolest planes ever produced, this looks like it will be one of the highest fidelity planes ever developed for MSFS! I have no doubt it'll be finding the new top spot in my hangar!

  • Just Massively Impressed

    1 Votes
    2 Posts

    What a tremendous message. Thank you so much for sharing.

    With regards to the TBM 850, you are correct that it possesses a nearly identical complexity to the Turbine Duke under the hood. In fact, I think all of my previous aircraft were far more complex than most people realize. That's why I created the tablet, despite some criticism that it was "unrealistic", so that I could more effectively show off the complexity of my aircraft. If you haven't heard already, the TBM will be receiving an update that includes a tablet, and brings it to within spitting distance of the Turbine Duke's complexity. The fact that it's any less complex is actually due to it just being a less complex aircraft built with all the advantages of 2008, rather than 1968. We're going to try to release the TBM this week, or next week. I hope you enjoy it thoroughly!

    While there are some limitations imposed upon my older aircraft due to the default exterior models, they are also very complex beasts, lacking mostly the eye candy of my later aircraft. However, I have plans for standalone versions of these aircraft in MSFS 2024, which will be fully up to Duke standards, or beyond. (Yes, my Starship has yet even more complexity).

    I will let one of the Duke owners who contributed most to my project know that you thought highly of the engine-out physics. He had previously survived an engine failure in his Duke, so this was the first thing he did with my software too. He was suitably impressed too, which certainly makes me feel good, but it's also a testament to the aerodynamics model in MSFS, at least as conventional aircraft are concerned.

    Thanks again for your message, and I hope you're looking forward to some of the projects I mentioned in my reply. Blue Skies!

  • 0 Votes
    10 Posts

    Ah, sorry you've encountered that one too! It relates to an internal simulator rounding error that has been with us for years now. You can read about it here. Luckily, there is a solution, but it's nothing that I can tell you how to do quickly. If you would like, I can provide you a file that should be a drop-in replacement. I just can't do it over the forums, so you will have to get in touch with Just Flight support, and then they can send you the file. Just create a ticket and let them know that I sent you. Sorry for the inconvenience! I will include this fix in the next updates for all my aircraft.

  • Printing of Black Square Manuals

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Wow! Since I had downloaded the manual from the site, didn't think to check the Community folder! There's also a feature highlights folder there. For others to know.
    Many Thanks!!!

  • Duke trailer and tablet

    1 Votes
    2 Posts

    Have not had the joy of playing with the Dukes yet, but hopefully on a rainy day soon'ish. Anyone who could shed some light on this?

  • Caravan C208B engine start hot conditions

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    Isn't the Fuel Boost pump supposed to be on prior to start and the low fuel pressure light out?

    I've been flying the Caravan a lot in Africa and so far have had no problems starting.

  • Black Square TBM 850 and Dukes in APLv2

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  • State Saving Radio Selection

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  • 0 Votes
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    Thank you for the response and the instructions on how to fix the issue. I appreciate your work and the quality of your add-ons! Waiting for the release of the Dukes :)

    I was also wondering if there are any plans to introduce a dedicated GTN Xi bezel in future updates, instead of using a GTN bezel for both models?

  • Duke Features to other planes?

    1 Votes
    7 Posts

    Thanks for the feedback.

    "After all: more switches = better plane" - I whole heartedly agree!!!

  • Garmin 530 & 430 - knobs and buttons

    0 Votes
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    Thanks for the thoughtful reply. Hope you find a solution, as you can see from my test, except for the main knobs, it seems a bit random what 'interacts' and not.

    Btw. I mentioned that I did this mapping to avoid getting a Octavi IFR-1, but I belive that fully interactive GPS-units would also benefit customers of this unit very much.


  • What's next?

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    I would love to see the King Air C90 and the B200. Those will be my dream coming true.

  • Go Around Buttons?

    0 Votes
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    Yes, it's the same situation. It should work with all the other GPS units, though. I have not seen a solution for the WT 530 proposed in the community, but from my perusal of the code, I believe it's something that needs to be added within the WT 530's code. I've already made several modifications to it myself, so I might see if there is something I can do.

  • Aircraft customisation and maintenance menu.

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Very exciting! Looking forward to getting a 'cleaner' cockpit. As I don't know the aircraft(s) in real life, I sometimes find it a bit confusing when 'sim-settings' show up on the regular panels. So I like the approach of moving maintenance and aircraft options to a separate 'efb'. Also seems like a logic most developers follow these days.

    Looking forward to the preview, and intrigued about what the 'never-before-seen' features could be :)