Panic over. TBH, I have always tried to be as candid as possible regarding this product. I am like a cracked record (as the old people say) in reminding everyone that it is an AI traffic program designed to greatly improve on the default experience. It's not Flight Radar and, without mentioning any names, attempts to run a real-time AI traffic system have not been that successful. It will always be a compromise, but, with the volume of aircraft and liveries included, we think it's a very good compromise and better than anything else in terms of adding traffic out of the box.
We're always keen on feedback. We haven't abandoned the program (as per the latest release) but we also have to balance up what is likely to produce the best experience for the majority of users. If there is a glaring anomaly - such as a wrong livery (not an alternate) - if we know the time and the place we can fix it. However, as you say, if there is a residual/redundant livery sat in the database there seems little point in doing anything about it.
As for the HP42, the team working on that has been diverted onto the DCS Blackburn Botha.