BAe 146 Professional P3D v5 FMS/AP Issues
Same issue on my end - The only workaround is to start vpilot in standalone mode and use audioforvatsim (standalone client) - Would be nice to get that fixed asap :)
Steve -
I've run into the same issue with Pro-ATC X too - starting cold and dark in P3D v4.5 I run through the checklist including switching on the avionics master A and B on the overheard, but I can't get any external comms on battery, ground power, APU or with the engines running (it does, however work with the default ATC). I have found a temporary workaround - try assigning a key combo to the avionics master switch, and turn it on this way. It not ideal, even using this method mine keeps cutting out every ten minutes or so...give it a try and see how you get on.
I have noticed these two issues :
- FMC: select SID/STAR - I can't select all of the listed SIDs or STARs. E.g. I can only choose 1 and 2 , even though 4 are displayed. 3 and 4 are not selectable (e.g. at EGNX). If 7 or 8 SIDs or STARs are displayed, only the first 4 are selectable.
- already mentioned further above : LNAV overshoots waypoints too much, struggles to come back on track.
@Con7inuum said in BAe 146 Professional P3D v5 FMS/AP Issues:
I also have downloaded the patch to date V1.1 and am still having issues.
-IAS Flight Directors and Autopilot hold not pitching or even 'chasing' for bugged speed.
-AP button engage not clickable from the cockpit.
-HDG bug still tied to CRS in RNAV HSI mode
-F/S (Fast Slow indicator flickering and not correctly showing fast/slow relative to bugged speed)
-Posted in other thread as well, still having "Protection failure. Please reinstall product or contact support".-
The IAS mode is not synced to any of the bugs on the ASI. It will hold the airspeed that was indicated at the time of engagement.
Can't reproduce the HDG bug issue with v1.1. Can you try reinstalling the latest version from your account?
As per the real aircraft, the fast/slow indicator is not functional (see placard to left of ASI). The same is true of VNAV.
Are you getting the protection failure warning but the model and panel are loading fine?
@morganthomas757 said in BAe 146 Professional P3D v5 FMS/AP Issues:
Hello all,
Having recently purchased the newly released Just Flight BAe 146 Professional P3D I am disappointed to report on some rather glaring issues in the aircraft's FMS system that impact upon the fundamental aspects of flight planning.
To start off with, when trying to select waypoints, by clicking the LSK next to them as mentioned in the accompanying FMC manual, you should be prompted with LSK 1R (DEL) and LSK 2R (INFO) when clicking the waypoint you want to select, it simply flashes for a mere instant and does not do anything, therefore you are unable to delete or insert waypoints mid-flight without completely deleting the Flight Plan and starting from scratch.
Just when I thought that I'd narrowed this bug down and decided that I can live with it now, albeit with a support ticket to JF support inbound, I came upon another basic error within the FMS. When trying to select a departure from EGBB, following the workflow of clicking MENU > DEPART , selecting Runway 15 by typing in 1 and pressing ENTER, when selecting SIDs I am unable to select any of the SIDs that aren't 1 or 2 in the list, it simply will not even enter any other number from 3-9, even when the box is highlighted white, so effectively, unless your SID happens to be one of the first two listed for your particular runway, you're stuffed!
(As a sidenote to this, I have found that if once you encounter this problem you click FPL to get back to your legs page, click MENU > DEPART again, all the SIDs have remarkably vanished unless you type in which Airport and Runway you'd like to fly a SID for is re-entered, despite them already being in the boxes, and essentially re-entering the same text)Next issue on the list is a strange one, on occasion, when trying to enter a next waypoint in the FPL page, for example entering the waypoint 'LUVUM' after our departure airport 'EGBB' in the list, it will bring up the AIRWAYS from EGBB page despite us entering a waypoint (LUVUM) to fly straight to after leaving EGBB. There is no way around this, so it basically prevents you from putting any waypoints in.
Sometimes the keys to the side of the FMS e.g. FPL, MENU, NAV, PREV/NEXT don't work despite them should be able to work, e.g. I was on a certain page which had 1/2 at the top, and despite pressing NEXT nothing happened.
Some initial feedback from our FMC coder whilst we investigate further:
When entering the flight plan, the cursor is in edit mode, as shown with the last waypoint being a white bar, which means the FMC is expecting an key entry to enter the next waypoint. In order to have the flight plan finalized, you must enter the arrival destination airport before being able to edit a waypoint of the flight plan. So the solution is very easy: enter the destination airport as the last waypoint, then you can edit the flight plan as you wish, edit an existing waypoint, delete one, whatever you want. In fact, the best way to enter a flight plan is to define the departure airport, runway and SID, then define the destination airport, runway and STAR, then define all the intermediate waypoints.
@Con7inuum said in BAe 146 Professional P3D v5 FMS/AP Issues:
I would also like to verify that I'm not screwing something up in regards to radio panel setup as VATSIM is not recognising TX/RX on either Comm1 or Comm2.
I'm not a VATSIM user but our code is triggering the default audio selector events based on the audio panel control selections - COM1_TRANSMIT and COM2_TRANSMIT.
If it's working correctly with the default ATC then that'd suggest that it's working as intended so I'll need more information on what VATSIM is checking to ensure compatibility.
@Geordie said in BAe 146 Professional P3D v5 FMS/AP Issues:
I've run into the same issue with Pro-ATC X too - starting cold and dark in P3D v4.5 I run through the checklist including switching on the avionics master A and B on the overheard, but I can't get any external comms on battery, ground power, APU or with the engines running (it does, however work with the default ATC). I have found a temporary workaround - try assigning a key combo to the avionics master switch, and turn it on this way. It not ideal, even using this method mine keeps cutting out every ten minutes or so...give it a try and see how you get on.
The FS avionics master is being set to on when there the AC emergency or DC essential bus is powered and the two avionics master switches on the overhead are set to ON.
I have however just spotted a bug in the code though which will be fixed in the next update, so thanks for pointing this out!
@Maushaus said in BAe 146 Professional P3D v5 FMS/AP Issues:
I downloaded the patch made available above, and have similar issues as the others.. Additionally, with regards to the "Improvements to exterior glass reflectivity" line item, tbh, doesn't look really different to the release version. It's pretty much the exact same. There's no depth and color tot he surface. There are a TON of pictures on the internet showing this, but I'd be happy to find a few if it helps correct this. It really looks strange without it.
We're working on further improvements now and will include those in the next update.
@msair said in BAe 146 Professional P3D v5 FMS/AP Issues:
after flights with V1 and V1.1 I have the following feedback/problems (P3D5.1hf1):
- I like the plane in general, nice exterior and cockpit (but why worn off switchbutton on NAV1?), very nice cockpit lighting, realistic sound.
- FMC: select SID - I can only choose 1 to 4, if more SID are available, I can not enter or choose 5 6 7 8...
- LNAV in 1.1 usable, but for my taste overshoots waypoints too much, struggles to come back on track.
- same or similar with the ILS interception... LOC and GS... don't know why it strggles or turns the wrong way - will try again
- Trim: very sensitive, I have a joystick button assigned, wish there was half the rate for changings.
- Mouse scroll wheel - for my taste it should behave the opposite way (as used from other planes). Or can it be changed somewhere?
- Turning knobs: is there a key for turning faster? normal 1 click 1 step / accellerated 1 click 10 steps
- AP/ALT: leveloff 100ft below selected ALT
- would be nice to have [shift+8] for a pop up window of center console (AP/XPDR/Brake)
msair- The worn off switch on VHF NAV 1 is exactly as found on our real-world reference aircraft
- We're investigating the FMC SID issue
- We're investigating the LNAV and ILS intercept rates and will tune those further
- We should be able to reduce the elevator trim rate in the next update
- The mouse wheel logic should be the usual wheel up to increase, wheel down to decrease but let me know if any controls aren't following that logic
- The course, heading and altitude arm selectors should all allow fast selection. Is that not the case for you, or are you referring to other controls?
- Alt arm level-off is being refined now
- We'll look into adding a 2D panel for the aft centre console panels
@PVJ said in BAe 146 Professional P3D v5 FMS/AP Issues:
Firstly, well done on this brilliant plane. Great all round and I am confident it will get better.
A few things that I have had trouble with on the tutorial flight:
- Config test never passes, after going through everything in the tutorial I am not sure what is not configured. But I went through it several times already now. and did the flows from scratch but none the less the alarm still sounds on the config test.
- Return flight, aircraft did not allow any yoke inputs mainly pitch and roll, AP was off. Rudders worked fine, both are set to the joystick for control. Would be great to know what the config test looks for so we can check those items.
- Using active sky weather, the aircraft had difficulty staying on course while following a direct to VOR, constantly adjusting left and right even when far out.
- I believe there is a "flash light" feature from your preview videos, unsure how to turn that on.
- Flight dynamics: aircraft seems fairly sensitive to inputs when hand flying, sudden fast jerk up or down pitches.
- APU exterior sound is fairly quiet.
- Suggestion: A tutorial video, so that newcomers can get a better visual of flows and where things are located.
I have only done a couple flights without the FMS but will give that a go next week.
Philip- Here's the list for the config check. Please let me know if you still get the warning despite setting all those correctly -
- It sounds like you might have inadvertently set the yoke control lock? That should be the only thing that can prevent yoke inputs. It's triggered by clicking on the yoke and can only be triggered on the ground.
- We are tuning the AP for better nav hold
- The flash light can be toggled from the Add-ons > Just Flight P3D lighting menu (P3D v5 only as v4 doesn't support that sort of dynamic lighting)
- We've not encountered the sensitivity issue but will investigate
- We'll investigate and tweak the sound volumes accordingly
- We are working on some videos now
just did a first complete flight. Really nice to see a decent version of the lovely 146 in p3dv5 now. I had the issues already mentioned and confirmed. (V1.1 in P3D5.1hf1)-
Plus when doing some adjustment like cruise level change the lnav stays lit but seems to lose the connection to the fms planned route. You have to turn it off and on again to continue to follow the planned route.
The distance calculator in the load manager config tool is totally wrong on its fuel assumptions. 750 miles its telling me to load 39000 liters of fuel... can't carry that lot ;)
Enhancement request for the fmc. It would be nice to load flightplans created with simbrief or lnm into the 146, please.
Question: are the cabin announcements avail in the fmc meant to be heard?
Cheers and Thanks
Thorsten -
Hi @Martyn
My feedback on the FMS/Nav issue:- Works fine until the first DTO
- if I overfly the next waypoint, everything is ok.
- If I enter another direct, the AP goes berzerk and turns away from the current route, and much more away from the newly selected direct. The only (!) option to get it working again, is by using the HDG mode to the entered waypoint (DTO), once over that waypoint re-engage LNAV, back to normal ops.
- In addition: If I enter a DTO, make a deviation (e.g. WX), I can't reselect the same waypoint as DTO again. That should work in the universal FMS
Steve -
@thorsten42 said in BAe 146 Professional P3D v5 FMS/AP Issues:
just did a first complete flight. Really nice to see a decent version of the lovely 146 in p3dv5 now. I had the issues already mentioned and confirmed. (V1.1 in P3D5.1hf1)-
Plus when doing some adjustment like cruise level change the lnav stays lit but seems to lose the connection to the fms planned route. You have to turn it off and on again to continue to follow the planned route.
The distance calculator in the load manager config tool is totally wrong on its fuel assumptions. 750 miles its telling me to load 39000 liters of fuel... can't carry that lot ;)
Enhancement request for the fmc. It would be nice to load flightplans created with simbrief or lnm into the 146, please.
Question: are the cabin announcements avail in the fmc meant to be heard?
Cheers and Thanks
Thorsten- Should be fixed in the next update
- Should also be fixed in the next update
- Looking into that now
- Announcements are coming soon
@ConcordeAG said in BAe 146 Professional P3D v5 FMS/AP Issues:
Hi @Martyn
My feedback on the FMS/Nav issue:- Works fine until the first DTO
- if I overfly the next waypoint, everything is ok.
- If I enter another direct, the AP goes berzerk and turns away from the current route, and much more away from the newly selected direct. The only (!) option to get it working again, is by using the HDG mode to the entered waypoint (DTO), once over that waypoint re-engage LNAV, back to normal ops.
- In addition: If I enter a DTO, make a deviation (e.g. WX), I can't reselect the same waypoint as DTO again. That should work in the universal FMS
SteveThanks Steve, we'll investigate.
@Martyn np - if you need further info/tests, let me know. Happy to help :)
Initially didn't plan to buy another Avro, but grew up with them, so couldn't resist somehow :)
I've done a handful of flights so I'll list down what is reoccurring in addition to the above:
- Trim setting for take off is in the correct green band, however rotation needs significant pull back on the yoke to lift off and a lot of trimming right after to keep the Avro on the right pitch, I get a lot of ballooning because of it, and the elevator on inspection also looks fairly high even though its in the green zone. Have tried with different weights and variants, same issue.
- Quite sensitive to pitching up and down inputs, I will try and adjust my settings but this has not been an issue on the various other Payware addons I own.
- On approach the plane lost the G/S 500ft before landing and the warning "GLIDESLOPE" just kept repeating all the way down with no where to turn it off, no annunciators light up either, it was just audible constantly repeating track till landing.
4. GSX profile: not sure if its done or only for the PAX but the cargo variant isn't setup right.
5. Cargo door opens like a spring, can that be slowed down?
6. The FMS is fairly old and upon page selection in the sim it instantly changes, IRL it takes a second, can this be rendered to be more realistic?
7. Short key for the torch effect, really handy tool, just wish it could be assigned to a button.she is still a lot of fun to learn and fly still, will do a YouTube video flight this week.
kind regards
Philip -
@Martyn said in BAe 146 Professional P3D v5 FMS/AP Issues:
@PVJ said in BAe 146 Professional P3D v5 FMS/AP Issues:
Firstly, well done on this brilliant plane. Great all round and I am confident it will get better.
A few things that I have had trouble with on the tutorial flight:
- Config test never passes, after going through everything in the tutorial I am not sure what is not configured. But I went through it several times already now. and did the flows from scratch but none the less the alarm still sounds on the config test.
- Return flight, aircraft did not allow any yoke inputs mainly pitch and roll, AP was off. Rudders worked fine, both are set to the joystick for control. Would be great to know what the config test looks for so we can check those items.
- Using active sky weather, the aircraft had difficulty staying on course while following a direct to VOR, constantly adjusting left and right even when far out.
- I believe there is a "flash light" feature from your preview videos, unsure how to turn that on.
- Flight dynamics: aircraft seems fairly sensitive to inputs when hand flying, sudden fast jerk up or down pitches.
- APU exterior sound is fairly quiet.
- Suggestion: A tutorial video, so that newcomers can get a better visual of flows and where things are located.
I have only done a couple flights without the FMS but will give that a go next week.
Philip- Here's the list for the config check. Please let me know if you still get the warning despite setting all those correctly -
- It sounds like you might have inadvertently set the yoke control lock? That should be the only thing that can prevent yoke inputs. It's triggered by clicking on the yoke and can only be triggered on the ground.
- We are tuning the AP for better nav hold
- The flash light can be toggled from the Add-ons > Just Flight P3D lighting menu (P3D v5 only as v4 doesn't support that sort of dynamic lighting)
- We've not encountered the sensitivity issue but will investigate
- We'll investigate and tweak the sound volumes accordingly
- We are working on some videos now
Found the torch, great tool!
How is the lock activated precisely, or should I say unlocked? can you send a photo of the click spot to unlock it. I believe I may have clicked on it while trying to hide the yoke but accidently first trying to click on the yoke itself as many other addons do it that way, bad habbit.
The altitude alarm is practically unheard and the exterior APU start is fairly quiet. But otherwise the other sounds are loud and clear.
Philip -
-In the FMC upon selecting DTO a fix, it seems to delete all previous fixes in the flight plan (Could be pilot/PEBKAC error/design feature - but frustrating nonetheless, as I was trying to figure out the previous RNAV issues I was having and ended up having to jump to the next waypoint in the sequence)
+1 on these issues, the DTO issue mentioned above is a real pain.
SID/STAR not working in latest update--I have nothing for KDEN or KSLC.