V.1.0.3 Released
This is just more difficult than it should be to get going now. At EGLL I have about 10 aircraft parked up,10! That's pathetic for a major airport. Far from an improvements its worse that it was before. I dont mind saying I am pretty disappointed about the amount of jumping through hoops I have had to do to get it working like the previous version did. On top of that the installer for the actual planes managed to create a folder and put precisely nothing in it after telling me it had successfully installed the models. That caused an error and the traffic control centre issue reported in my ticket.
Apart from the above the problem is that your system default to settings that minimise airport traffic from the outset. It should install with the Aircraft manager set to the default settings but it doesn't, it sets it to some peculiar values instead which makes things look far worse than default settings in the previous version setup.. So I had to mess around for some time trying to find out why we are seeing few if any planes at really large airports.
My observations at LIML at 6.30pm (scenery by Jetstream):- aircraft departed after 5 minutes
- first final approach after 12 minutes, second after 24 minutes
My observations at EGLL at 2.30pm (scenery by iniBuilds):I have stopped counting after I regognized 35 aircraft. ;)
@pscharff Its very odd. I had just 10 aircraft at EGLL, I counted them. I then opened the control centre and clicked the default setting in the ground services menu which ticked a whole load of options that were previously blank, left the sim, re-started and now have a lot more than that. It seemed to default after installation to a set up that put very few aircraft on the ground until I re-set the ground services settings.
@jf-john I have tried the new version for 6 different flights, mainly in Europe, and I must say it is now a very convincing addon. I find it very useful since I live in north America and fly mainly in Europe, so the use of timetables is really appreciated, unlike other addons Ive tried. And the last fixes make it work pretty well for me. I am looking forward to see how it will work with the new AI mechanics of SU12. Thanks
@sebastiano148 I had that problem. I uninstalled FS-Traffic via settings/apps. I then deleted the remaining FS-Traffic folders from the Community folder and did a new install. It all worked fine after that.
@sebastiano148 Hello again.
I've checked out the default LIML and LIME and arrival traffic spawned at both.
Do you use Little Nav Map at all? This can help get a clearer picture of what's going on. Depending on the airport, landing traffic can take a while to join the approach, but that's down to how the sim handles the AI.Another reason you might not see AI landing at the airport is if there's a scenery issue that causing AI to despawn before landing.
John - Just Flight.
I tried to uninstall and reinstall Fs Traffic. At first run I had arriving traffic, then I closed the sim, restarted the PC and the sim. And again no arriving traffic at LIML.I use Little Navmap to monitor it. The only thing I changed in the 2 tests is that on the first one (when I had arriving traffic after uninstall and reinstall) I run the FS traffic Control Center after seeing the first arriving traffic in Little Navmap, on the second one (when I had no arriving traffic again) is that I run the FS traffic Control Center immediately after starting the sim (when the flight was loaded at the airport).
Last change is that I changed from default to Fast Gate Turnarounds in Ground Services.
OK, here are my two-cents with the last FS Traffic update
- Uninstalled everything from earlier version (including the .EXE files), and installed again. No problem.
- I use add-on linker, so I moved to folders to my add-on repository, and created link. No problem.
- Tried yesterday one first flight, LIPE-LEBL:
- On departure, a couple of planes parked, no moving traffic. LIPE (Bologna) is a small airport, so this is possible.
During cruise, encountered a few planes, visible by their contrails; not too many, but ok; pity they do not interact with ATC (FSTL injected planes do talk with ATC on cruise, so that must be possible).
Upon landing at LEBL there were planes at the gates, and some taxiing for departure. After a while, planes started to arrive, with a >80% go-around rate, followed by the famous Maverick-style low fly-by of the airport.****
Another flight today, LEBL to LFLL:
Spawned at the gate, there were other planes around they started to move for departure. So far so good. After a while, traffic started to arrive, in a chaotic way, with not a single plane (that I saw) actually landing. Only go-arounds and low altitude fly-bys. Upon taxing, I realized that the TCAS in the ND was showing dozens of planes near me (at a given moment, I counted 25 planes). Of course, FPS were hit by so many planes around. After taking off from 24L, the TCAS showed a swarm of planes flying against me (which makes no sense, as I was on the SID). A bit later I saw them: 10 – 12 planes, all flying “against me” (albeit at lower altitude) and the distance between them was just a few hundred meters; I sill wonder if those planes were going to land (they were flying the SID counter-direction, so that makes no sense) or they belong to the kingdom of lost-go-around-planes and were just doing crazy stuff. Anyway, a total mess.
During cruise a few flights, shown in the TCAS and by the contrails. Some of them seemed to talk to ATC.
Upon arrival, there was no other plane around the airport (according to the TCAS). After taxiing, I found some gates occupied by planes (probably a bit too few), then two planes landed successfully and taxied to gate, and finally a parked plane started moving, taxied and took off. During the time I was there, probably a bit too low traffic load, but everything seemed normal.
In conclusion:
- The lack of planes upon arrival seems solved. But the traffic created by MS Traffic seems very unreliable (sometimes too little, sometimes too much), and their behavior can be terrible (especially with so many go-arounds). There should be a way in the injector to automatically de-spawn planes flying too close to another aircraft, or after a go-around.
- So, for the time being, I leave FS traffic injector in the fridge, and will keep using FSTL with FS traffic models, which gives me the same frame rates and is much much more consistent and reliable with AI traffic performance. I hope FS traffic can eventually be improved (hopefully after SU12), because I would like to have a good and reliable alternative to real-traffic FSTL for when I fly in another continent during times when there is no live traffic around.
Apologies for the long post
I also can confirm - traffic at destination all the time now with v1.0.3!To add to the post above:
I also have traffic at destination when I- fly slower than 250kts and lower than 5000ft - e.g. GA like Turbo Arrow!
- start in the air and choose destination later on in toolbar
So things are way better now (at least on my system)!
Thank you Justflight, FS Traffic is getting useful to me now ;-) -
@jfoguet61 Thanks, good post and just what I see as well. I don't understand how they could put this out to market, from the installer to the update procedure, it's from the '90s. These updates should be pushed out from the app, I just stumbled across their email that there was an update. Then their process of "Scour our old files from your hard drive yourself and re-install the new application". This is a weak effort and money wasted.
What kind of installer ist this. I am working with addonlinker. On install you have no option where you want to install the whole thing. at the end i have to copy 24GB. When it comes to an update, de installing and install everything again is a nightmare on such big files. For now i have to copy all in my own folder. That process ist horrific. 1 Hour.
where i can get refund?
I made several test flights over the weekend and the outcome is the following regardless of which is departure airport and arrival airport
Departure Airport:
- There is departing Traffic
- There is no arriving traffic
Destination Airport:
- There is few or zero departing traffic
- There is arriving traffic
For example:
Departing traffic at LIRF; no arriving traffic at LIRF
Few or zero departing traffic at EBBR; arriving traffic at EBBREBBR-LIRF
Departing traffic at EBBR; no arriving traffic at EBBR
Few or zero departing traffic at LIRF; arriving traffic at LIRFPlease note that there are no bugs in the scenery. I check on Little navimap any spawned traffic, so much before it could be canceled by the scenario due to a bug. And also when the same airport is the departing one there are departures and no arrivals, when it is the destination one there are arrivals and few or no departures.
The above mentioned flights are just to mention a couple. I checked also at many other airports such as LICJ, LIME, LIMC, LIML, EDDK, LFPO. The outcome is the same.
Spotting time has always been not less than 40-50 minutes.
Do you have a explanation/resolution for it?
I’d be very interested in knowing when JFT spawns in the departing aircraft at our destination airport.
Is it when we spawn in at our departure airport?
Is it when we arrive at our destination?
If the former then does the Time Before Departure value in TCC apply to the arrival airport too?
If, for example, I set my TBDv at 90 minutes, but it takes me 120 minutes to get to my destination, have the departing aircraft at my destination already departed prior to my arrival?
Absolutely not. Traffic at arrival is spawned when your destination airport is few miles (around 40) from your aircraft. This is the reason why if you fly a direct approach to runway without a circle to land or overflying the airport area due to your procedure it will be very difficult to find a live airport…since it will take time since spawning. FS traffic team says this is a limitation of MSFS, which it is, but for example FSLTL spawns traffic with a much wider range
With respect, how do you know it’s 40 miles out that the departing aircraft spawn at the destination airport?
Many thanks.