NoseWheel Steering
I remember on the fsx/p3d versions we had an option to enable/disable nosewheel steering. Looking at the flight model for the MSFS version I see there is commented out lines relating to castoring nose wheel. I uncommented those lines Including the contact points line and commented out the nosewheel steering line but it is very ineffective at low speeds.
Have I done this correctly or is it not mentioned anywhere as it doesn't work as intended for now?
@skydivemann MSFS currently does not model a free-castering nosewheel correctly, so that option won't work until Asobo fixes this limitation in some future update (hopefully)...
@retiredman93231 Castering nose wheel is available in some aircraft already, the default diamond I believe is the only default aircraft with it implemented
@skydivemann The option is there in the flight_model.cfg but requires manual editing (currently commented out). Unfortunately we're struggling to find a way to automate switching that due to the way MSFS packages work, and the issues mentioned by @RetiredMan93231 are the reason why we'll be sticking with nose-wheel steering as the default for now.
@skydivemann Although there are some default aircraft, like the Diamond DV20, that should have a free-castering nosewheel, they have actually been configured in MSFS with conventional nosewheel steering... otherwise rudder pedal steering would not function on these aircraft, and it does.
@gabe777 You can steer during taxi using the same Joystick axis or buttons that you currently have assigned to the Rudder... or you can use the keyboard keys, which are [Num 0] and [Enter] by default. But, the default key assignments will require you to let go of the stick and use your right hand... So, you might want to reassign the rudder commands to two different keys that you can easily reach with your left hand, like [<] and [>]. There are also key assignments for Left Brake and Right Brake if you want to use differential braking.
I'm hoping that Asobo fixes this. They did promise some improvements to ground handling/physics/friction etc.., the code currently used is legacy from FSX. Not sure if the plans include steering.
One of the reasons I bought this addon (and plan to buy everything from JF), is that I know you will keep working on your products after release to improve them.
The Hawk is already amazing, I'm looking forward to it getting even better. Keep up the good work JF! -
Also unable to steer the aircraft on the ground. Using the rudder and the num. keys is not possible. The aircraft displays sudden movements to either side. Hoping for a fix for an otherwise excellent aeroplane.
@bjm62 Using the rudder axis (i.e. pedals or a twist joystick) will always be preferable for steering but the numpad keys should also work fine at sensible speeds. I've just tried it here at up to 10 knots and incremental changes work OK.
@martyn Thanks for the advice. Not complaining, but this aircraft is a bit different on the ground. I use the Thrustmaster TPR pedals and I have to go very slowly to not have the aircraft make sudden movements to one side. I don't see this behaviour in any other aircraft I fly.
But there's always the possibility of a bug on my side, I don't rule that out. -
@bjm62 FYI, I'm using those pedals and I don't have any problems steering the plane on the ground, I have my sensitivity set to linear and just a small deadspot in the center to keep from inadvertantly activating them.
@katchaplin Thanks for the advice but I already had those settings on my pedals. I have checked with other aircraft and there I can taxi as normal. Here if I let go I veer off to one side or the other. Strange, will continue my search for the solution.
@martyn said in NoseWheel Steering:
@bjm62 Using the rudder axis (i.e. pedals or a twist joystick) will always be preferable for steering but the numpad keys should also work fine at sensible speeds. I've just tried it here at up to 10 knots and incremental changes work OK.
There is a simple workaround for all this taxiing nonsense: simply link the nose wheel to the rudder while on the ground.
It's been done countless times before with some well respected aircraft.
Not everyone has 3 hands.
@gabe777 That is the current configuration... The noswheel and rudder are linked and they move together with any rudder input.
@Gabe777 the simpler fix, as used in the previous sims, was to give people the choice by supplying both options and allowing the end-user to decide which option they wanted. Personally, I have rudder pedals and really do not like the fact that I am forced to have nosewheel steering!
The new sim does not appear to support either proper free-castering or giving people the option.
Absolutely. Choice is always good.
I have the Hawk but not tried it yet.... so I'm inordinately happy that it can be taxied ( ? 🤔) using just a twist stick rudder.
I remember the Majestic Dash having a few different systems/options for taxiing and rollout. So everyone was happy.
I also like the way JF are giving us pseudo-APs. Use it or don't.... I like that a lot. I hope it catches on, as let's face it -- MSFS is the first sim where most will want to just look at the scenery.
@martyn Found the issue with the Thrustmaster TPR pedals
causing me to veer from side to side when taxiing.
The standard configuration (a single axis) works with other planes but not with the Hawk. You have to add separate rudder axis for left and right. Since it was working otherwise it took a while before I thought of this. Thanks.