Brakes not working in MSFS 2024
I bought this beatifull Add-On in V2 for MSFS 2024. It's an amazing product and with it being on offer it doesn't brake the bank too much.
But I have a problem with braking. They aren't working at all. Normal braking an parking brake are doing nothing to slow down the aircraft. There is brake pressure shown, the pedals are moving and the brake temperature indicator is rising but the plane isn't stopping. Anyone else having this problem and found a solution?
Got no brake keybinds on my bravo and the system behind the brakes seem to work.
We did experience some brake issues during the development of F28 V2 in MSFS 2024 which appear to be caused by some differences in how the brake systems are handled between MSFS 2020 and MSFS 2024. We also listed that on our MSFS 2024 known issues FAQ:
There were measures put in place to fix those brake issues in 2024, and the brakes have been working reliably for us since that logic was added, but that's not to say there isn't a specific scenario which we haven't spotted that could cause issues to appear.
If there are any brake issues that can be reliably replicated, could I kindly ask you to raise a support ticket via the following link and include steps on how we can reproduce the issue:
If we can reliably replicate an issue, then there is a much higher chance of us being able to provide a timely fix.
Mark - Just Flight
I had this problem on one of my flights last night. Good hydraulic pressure, brake pedals moved, parking brake pulled on, but no brakes whatsoever.
I did two flights with a friend, and we both experienced an odd behavior on the first flight, too. With chocks still under the tires, at different times (first him, then me) we both rolled backwards off the apron and onto the grass. I'm not sure about him, but I also had my parking brake on at the time. This actually happened to me three times -- two more times after I restarted the flight. In case it's airport related, this was at CYPR. In case it's livery related, I was in the Time Air livery, my friend was in the N500[xxx] livery.
Edit: Remembered one detail about the second issue. One of the times I started rolling backwards, I observed the EFB indicator, independent of any input from me, switch from the green "Chocks" on indicator to black chocks off.
Did you start from a cold/dark state at a parking position, or spawn on the runway running? I’ve had this before in MSFS. Runaround is to start on the runway, slew over to your gate, and shut down manually. A pain, but it works most all of the time until a permanent solution is found by the team.
Yes, had same issue just now. After pushback and release of parking brake I had no brakes either via pedals or parking brake. All bindings checked and confirmed that default keyboard bindings not working either. Aircraft pedals moving but no braking action. All hydraulics are green and OK. Will see if I can replicate. This was from a cold n dark start.
I did one flight after I bought F28 and brakes stopped working sometime during a flight. They did work when I was taxing to the runway on departure but when I landed, I could not stop the plane. Both hydraulic pressure in system 1 and brake temperatures were in green.
@StefanL85 are you loading into a gate, and if so, are you selecting a panel state in the EFB at all?
@ual763 I'm loading to a gate/parking spot in cold and dark, without using the panel states on the EFB.
Did that both times. There was one difference in procedure. The first time I didn't turn on the electrical pumps to pressurerize the systems before engine startup. Figured there will be pressure supplied to both systems when engines are running. Which was the case. All indications in the green. But no stopping power.