Occasionally, on startup, engine gauges only partially turn on or sometimes not at all
@Mark said in Occasionally, on startup, engine gauges only partially turn on or sometimes not at all:
We suspect this may be battery voltage related, and waiting for an extended period on the ground without the APU
I concur with the thought above.
Usually when I get into the aircraft I start the electrical system up (batteries and APU) immediately. This time I got into the aircraft and was distracted for 10-15 minutes before I attempted start up. This was when I experienced only the N1 dials being lit.
M Martyn referenced this topic on
So I noticed that I get no engine guages when I am preparing for my stream... the aircraft is sat on the apron, in a Cold and Dark state for about 30 minutes... When I start switching stuff on, the guages don't illuminate at all, then I have to restart... happened to me three times (streamed the aircraft 3 times)... off stream when I enter the aircraft immediatley and start switching stuff on, no issues...
mine is different - loading on ramp cold & dark or on runway - ALL instruments turn off within seconds, a partially visible PILOT's microphone sneaks up like a snake, the EFB is gone completely. Can post a video if you like. Creepy but makes this master piece unusable. Was working perfectly fine yesterday and earlier today - I have not changed any settings, updated Navigraph to the latest cycle etc. What is going on?
Edit: here is a short video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_1C2dXGSB0
Please don't blame the users for this problem. I have carefully followed the checklist from cold and dark through to engine startup and confirm what everyone is saying here. Hoped V1.2 would fix this but it hasn't. Restarting is not the solution. Please fix this bug. Thank you.
@Goochie Users haven't been blamed and we've confirmed above that this is a bug that we are investigating. Until a fix is found, please make sure to establish electrical power ASAP after starting a flight, ideally the APU or EXT AC.
@BPFonteyn Take it easy. If you read the posts you will see that early on the responses from JF were to look at different things we were doing. Fortunately there were plenty of others contributing their experiences, enough to show this was not a user problem. Quite often, the first thought can be the user is doing something wrong. We have got past that point.
Discovered it after all the preparations and checks were conducted and when reading the checklists. After calling maintenance, the problem could not be solved without aircraft change. Due to crew over duty the flight had to be canceled. Until a fix will be found by the maintenance the AC will be grounded. As I am be off I will be home playing MSFS A320 or 777.
Hi. Seeing same issue with marketplace version. Both starting on ramp in cold/dark or running on runway. On runway, autothrottle won't turn on. A restart fixes issue each time. Seems to only happen when switching planes and liveries. For example, selecting RJ after flying another plane + selecting a different RJ livery. Does not appear to happen if selecting RJ and the last flown livery.
@MM4631 The marketplace version was recently updated to v1.1 last Monday (16th December) which is a few versions before the fix was implemented.
We uploaded v1.3 to the marketplace last Thursday (19th December). v1.3 includes the fix for the PED issue highlighted in this thread and we estimate should be available in the first few weeks of January.
Mark - Just Flight