KA350 Condition Levers
When I use TURB ENG CONDITION LEVER POSITION:1 or 2 in SPAD.Next for my condition levers I can see the values changing 1-100 but the lever animation never moves.
Has anybody got some insight into this?
Where can I get the variables I need to get my HC Alpha & Bravo to work?
Same Problem here... also can't get the panel light switch to work. The default event works, but a second later is overwritten by the switch in the cockpit.
Please guys... give us a proper documentaion. Many of us using real switches.
@lemny Here is some info
https://community.justflight.com/topic/4441/ka350i-avionics-switchBut I have not been able to get it to work yet.
I'd rather be flying!!
From the developer, hope this helps...
'The condition lever behavior is unmodified from the Asobo default behavior. I recommend using the following B:Vars, instead of the A:Var, though. That should ensure that the lever moves as it would in any default aircraft.
B:FUEL_2_Condition_Lever_High_IdleThe L:Var for the master panel lighting switch is: L:var_masterPanelLights.'
The TURB ENG CONDITION LEVER POSITION:1 or 2 are also values 0, 1 and 2.
0 = cutoff
1 = low
2 = highI can't find these variables but when I do I will try to get B:FUEL_1_Condition_lever_Cut_Off working
As a follow up not sure you can use B:Vars in Spad.Next
Confirmed B:Vars are not yet implemented in SPAD.Next
@meh1951 said in KA350 Condition Levers:
As a follow up not sure you can use B:Vars in Spad.Next
Confirmed B:Vars are not yet implemented in SPAD.NextIs confirmed to be in the next Alpha. I will test it out and post solutions here if the miussing stuff could be solved with B:Vars.
@meh1951 feather should work by simply set the standard prop axis to a huge negative value like -5000 IIRC. I could double check it tomorrow, but my feather settings worked on all my recent planes like C310, Baron and King Air.
@lemny it does work in Spad, see below how I have it implemented
In the client events page I have created the following events using the B:Vars
Below an example of axis setup in Spad.Next
axis range between 0 and 25 (Cut Off)
There's a delay in the axis movement so I added a check for the condition lever position != 0 so I could activate the repeat function to make sure no matter how fast I move the lever it will always catch up and get the position right - without such check of the condition lever position it would create an infinite loop (and we don't want to waste resource on that, right?! :) )axis range between 26 and 74 (Low Idle)
- the condition lever position must be != 1 in this caseaxis range between 75 and 100 (High Idle)
- the condition lever position must be != 2 in this caseThese are all script events hence I get the levers in the game in sync with my hardware all the time.
In case someone does not know where to find the Client Events page
Some extra 2 cents (out of topic)
There are some other events I have added you guys may find useful like events for the Radar, External Power, Pressurization Alt knob (yeah I also use the same event in the C414AW), for instance. Check it out!
@meh1951 below follows how I setup feather in the KA
There are two events (axis change event & scripted event)
The axis change event is a regular one for controlling the propeller axis
The scripted event is the one that controls the feather position
I have tried to replicate this but I am not sure what the reference to Local:Joy_0X16D00X09C1_Slider is or where it came from. I do not have it on my system. -
@meh1951 you got to replace that by whatever the appropriate var for your hardware lever/switch/button is.
This var just tells spad.next whether that button/switch of your hardware position is pressed or not - for instance.
The key piece of information here is the PROP_PITCH2_SET (-25), that's the one that actually makes the lever move to the feather position in the game. -
@meh1951 for button 26 try to setup the following
Button Pressed -> Send PROP_PITCH1_SET - Event (-25) for Left Prop
For whatever the other button used for right prop set the following
Button Pressed -> Send PROP_PITCH2_SET - Event (-25) for Right Prop
The condition levers you got to create those events listed above first
@meh1951 how are controlling the lever? Are you using one of the Bravo axis for that?
Show a printscreen of the Spad.Next setup you have for controlling the lever.
As per the printscreen you have sent before I guess your setup will be something like
LOCAL: search for RX_AXIS in the Bravo device list
If you are going to use a different axis just replace the RX_AXIS by the correct axis name
There will be 3 entries for each lever
0 - 25 Cut Off
26 - 73 Low Idle
75 - 100 High IdleYou may change these range values to whatever range is best for you.
Thank you buddy the first screen shot answered a ton of questions for me.
I will try this...
thanks for your support!