Hi all,
Am new to this forum but I raised this issue in my post on AVSIM.
I am currently in the process of building a PFPX profile for the Standard VC10 via the data available in the .air and .cfg files with AJPC (advanced jet performance calculator). While I can't confirm this will be true to the real aircraft it should work nicely for the fuel model in the VC10 Pro. However, this is extremely labourious to do as I have not as of yet found an efficient way to transfer the data over to a PFPX Aircraft Profile. And this will likely take me many hours to complete at the current rate.
If anyone has an efficient method for creating PFPX profiles I would be grateful, as I am going slowly mad when making this lol. If perhaps anyone at the JF Team is able to spare me the misery and compile one for the Standard & Super models I would be unendingly grateful. However if nothing else happens I will make an effort to post the profiles within a few weeks.