Does LEAN ROP work in 2024?
I’m trying with documentation, with YouTube and it doesn’t work.
Duke or Grant Duke. Low altitude, high altitude it doesn’t matter.
I lean mixture till plain lose whole power. I’m doing it low, very slow … or faster, it doesn’t matter. -
I just tried this in MSFS 2024 and found the exact same behavior as MSFS 2020. Is it possible that you have some external hardware binding that's spamming a mixture setting different than what the levers are showing in the cockpit? I've never seen that exact behavior on my end, but I think it might be possible.
I must do this in really wrong way. I unbinded all my MIXTURE AXIS from my Turtble Beach Velocity Yoke.
Then I binded INCREASE/DECREASE MIXTURE SLOW on my keyboard and the same situation.
Look at the second picture - almost max LEAN and nothig happens. -
Yes, I would expect ROP to be above the mixture setting you're showing, so we should investigate further. A video would be the most helpful for troubleshooting, if you could upload one. Beyond that, I would be interested to see what happens if you bound a hardware axis to L:BKSQ_MixtureLeverPosition_1 or L:BKSQ_MixtureLeverPosition_2, though that requires 3rd party binding software, if you don't have one already.
What's interesting: EGT is not falling down at all when I pull back MIXTURE.
Mayby some locker or cover on some sensor? Or ... something what I missed? -
I don't think so. From your screenshots, it looks to me like your mixture input is just not getting to the simulation, even though the levers are moving. Setting L:BKSQ_MixtureLeverPosition_1 directly would eliminate this possibility, which is why I was interested to see you try it.
Oh, is it possible that you have auto-mixture enabled in the MSFS assistance menu? The last MSFS 2024 update lost me about half of my settings (thankfully not the control bindings...), so it's possible that option has reverted to true without you knowing it.
Dammit that's it! AUTOMIXTURE in settings set on ON.
Indeed last updated fucked up my settings.
Thank you so much. I even planned disable all my addons and reinstall all. Thank you 🤩
Now EGT and LEAN ROP is working perfectly fine. -
Wonderful. I'm so glad I thought of that. Happy flying! There will be a compatibility update for the Dukes soon, so you can look forward to improved visuals and some new walkaround features.