Turbine Duke Reverse Thrust via Axis and Ohs
I'm giving Axis and Ohs another go after having issues with a previous version, and I've encountered a bit of a problem trying to set up reverse thrust in the Turbine Duke.
I've got both thrust levers working using the AXIS_THROTTLE1_SET/AXIS_THROTTLE2_SET axes (reversed), but these axes don't seem to extend far enough through the beta range to activate reverse thrust (EDIT: What I mean by this is, the thrust levers dip into the beta range and torque indicates 20 or 30, but I can only achieve reverse thrust by moving the thrust levers further with the mouse). I tried setting THROTTLE1_SET/THROTTLE2_SET, which are listed under Flight control axis and seem to indicate they are for reversers 1 and 2, but no luck.
Are there different events I should be selecting for these axes? I had a browse through the manual and couldn't find these specific ones. Any nudge in the right direction is appreciated.
I didn't set up the Turbine Duke yet, but it should be similar to what I use for the TBM 850.
If I'm reading my script correctly, I'm sending it K:THROTTLE1_SET event in range 0 to 16384. That moves between low beta range up to full throttle, and I also made a "soft detent" at the flight idle position, so I can find it easily on my throttle. And since I have the Honeycomb Bravo, which sends a button press in the reverse position, I have that button bound to THROTTLE1_DECR as repeating button, which brings the throttles into full reverse.
If you want to have the reverse range within the axis travel of your hardware throttle, I believe the way to go is to use the K:THROTTLE1_SET event with negative values, down to -1024, IIRC. Going from memory there, would have to test it to be sure, but it is definitely possible. -
Thanks, @Randolf - If it comes to a pinch, I'll use your method. Should be easy to do on my throttle quadrant (which I forgot to include in the post is the Thrustmaster TCA Airbus quadrant) since there's a button press in the reverse portion of the axis. However, using default 2024 settings I was able to set a neutral position and dead zone that basically gave me beta range and reverse in the bottom 25% of my axis and I was hoping to find a way to do it in AAO. After my attempts last night I'm guessing it'll take a script to achieve that with AAO (if it's even possible), as I couldn't get the thrust levers to drop into the reverse detent last night using any method I could find in the AAO manual.
And just in case anybody reading this wonders why I don't just use the 2024 settings, since I had it working there: trust me, I'd rather keep it simple, but there was an update pushed to a certain group of users that wiped my custom controller settings. I figured since it will take several hours to redo them anyway, I'd do it outside the sim so Asobo can't mess it up for me again.
@RPGamerous I like AAO very much, it's very versatile. I did many crazy things with it, for example I was able to implement a custom "autopilot" that holds wings level in any aircraft, as a script in AAO, activated by voice command.
The AAO docs are good at telling you how to send various events and set variables, but doesn't tell you what events and variables you need to use, that's the job of MSFS SDK and/or individual aircraft add-on docs.
So if I understand correctly, you don't want to use the button in your hardware reverse position, but use the bottom range of the axis travel to go into reverse. I tried it out in the Turbine Duke, and this is what worked for me (note also the Axis min/max values and Center position):
(repeat for the other throttle lever) -
Hey @Randolf thank you, that's very kind of you. This is exactly what I was trying to do; however, I was trying to follow the manual's instructions for using the sliding arrows, etc from the main configuration window. I wasn't able to enter negative values there (via the RAW button), but via the Developer mode Behaviors I deduced that a negative value was what I needed, so I was very confused. But somehow I didn't notice the min/max boxes in the Assignment window -- I guess I was too focused on the other section.
Thanks again!