TBM 850 Engine Sounds and GTN750
Hey guys! I know this topic has been mentioned a couple of times. I have my TBM 850 running on MSFS 2024 (bought on steam). I just wanted to know where I find the asobo-aircraft-tbm930 folder that I need to copy into MSFS 2024 community folder. Do I have to download MSFS2020 alongside MSFS2024 to get the aircraft file? There also seems to be a asobo-aircraft-tbm930 file that is under StreamedPackages folder in my MSFS2024 folder. This is the location of where I found these files:
C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024\StreamedPackages
My TBM 850 file is located in:
C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024\Packages\Community
Do I copy the TBM930 file (whenever I find it) to the community folder I mentioned above?
Also, the GTN750 does not seem to work on MSFS2024 if anybody has a fix for this.
Is your TBM 850 running okay as-is?
When I first tried the TBM 850 in MSFS 2024, all I did was add the Black Square folder to my community folder and to be honest, almost everything worked fine - the one glaring exception being engine sounds. In order to get them to work, I had to copy the Asobo TBM 930 from MSFS 2020 to my 2024 Official folder. But I've heard that maybe the standard aircraft included in 2024 are no longer decrypted (no idea how true that is), so maybe these things aren't an issue any more?
At any rate, I got the Black Square King Air and the Caravan running well too using the same method - copying the Asobo files from 2020. And I'm having a blast with them - but also can't wait for the standalone Professional series!