Loading the TBM 850 closes MSFS 2020.
I suspect this is most likely caused by some outdated GPS addon or other incompatible package in your community folder. Try temporarily emptying your community folder of all addons except the TBM and see if that helps. If not, I suggest contacting Just Flight support, as they have more experience troubleshooting simulator-level issues than I do, whereas I specialize in the aircraft's systems. You're also welcome to stay in touch here and let me know how it goes.
Not only that, if I load the plane on the runway with everything running
- GNS530 is not responsive, pressing the ENT button does nothing
- At this point if I try to go to shut down the sim and go back to the main menu with the engines, avionics and everything running, it will crash msfs 2020 in the loading screen.
- The solution is turn off the aircraft completely before turning off the simulator
Please fix and optimize the code, this is with v1.2(latest) SU 15
I have spent a significant amount of time using the debugger to look through Working Title's GNS code to find the source of this behavior with the enter button on startup. It only happens when an aircraft has two GNS 530 units installed, which has led me to believe that it has something to do with loading event ID's when the simulation first loads. Unfortunately, that code is a little beyond my skill level to understand, and I would also not be able to distribute a fix easily if I created one.
I have never seen the behavior on shutdown that you are describing, nor have we seen it reported by anyone else. I would make the same suggestion as above to temporarily empty your Community Folder to see if this makes any difference. If not, please let me know, and we can brainstorm some more things to try on your system.
@Black-Square Do you also get this behaviour with the enter button in the '24 version of the GNS?
Hi, thank you for the quick response, it is very much appreciated.
@Black-Square So for me it’s a clean installation of msfs and windows.
Before this the only aircraft installed was the SWS PC 12. Which works flawlessly and I removed it before the installation of the tbm 850. The community folder only has the tbm. This is not when two GNS 530 is installed, it’s with the default config with one GTN (which remains blank, because I do not use one) and one GNS 530. I checked event viewer and the win code is CoherentGTCore.dll. But I’m able to do full flights with no mid flight crashes.@GunStrauss what do mean by ‘24 version of GNS, I did not download any avionics
@GunStrauss what do mean by ‘24 version of GNS, I did not download any avionics
It was just a question for the developer.