TurbineDuke_INT.xml location
I purchased the both Dukes on the market place and I can not find in the official folder where the aircraft is, If I go to the model folder the only thing in there is model.cfg. any help would be appreciated. I am guessing that this is due to MS encrypting the files because I have other interior.xml files for other aircraft in the community folder but none in the official folder for any aircraft I have purchased. Would anyone be able to send me the files for the Dukes?
I suspect that you are correct about why you cannot locate the files, but I don't actually have the Marketplace version of my own aircraft to tell you! I could share the file with you (though I would not post it publicly), but what would you be able to do with it if the package is encrypted? It might be possible to tell the model.cfg to look for a differently named file somewhere else via a relative path, I suppose. What are you trying to add/change, out of curiosity? Perhaps it's something I can add before the next update for you.
I was looking to use it for hardware bindings. And specifically ones that you referenced in previous posts in the forum. I’ve been using the behaviors tab to try and find what you are using for some that are not posted in the manual.
Very understandable! Thank you for explaining. While I usually encourage anyone to be resourceful, would you like to let me know what bindings you're looking for, so that I might help you right here? I can look them up very quickly, so it might save us both time, and then I can add them to the manual if it makes sense.
More than anything I’m looking for the output bindings. I think you have done a good job providing the inputs in the manual. I’m just starting to make some gauges and buttons with feedback data from the Duke for streamdeck profiles.
What outputs are you looking for?
The ones for engine gauges and the RNAV and ADF. I’m new to the output side of things so I’m looking to see exactly what I am able to do or make with them. I’ve made the buttons with the COM and NAV frequencies but was looking to make some pages on the loupedeck and streamdeck with data from the sim for the other avionics.
Everything you mention should be in the "Outputs" section of the manual. All of the engine instrumentation information is there at the top of the "Aircraft & Engine Variables" table, all of the RNAV outputs are at the bottom of the "Radio Navigation Variables" table, and the ADF indicator is directly above the RNAV outputs. Please let me know if there is anything else you're looking for that's not in those tables, and I will be happy to provide it for you.
Ok thanks! I tried those before I posted and couldn’t get them to work. But I will try again.
There are some engine gauges and much else already available for Streamdeck and if you look at some of the basic, older profiles on flightsim.to (these are old ones too. Probably using Flight tracker as the plugin) you can use these on a mix and match basis or just for research to see how they are implemented. All of the newer profiles and very good they are too, seem more oriented towards actual cockpit functions on a per aircraft basis. Worth a look even if for inspiration, if you are keen to homebrew your own.
Thanks magic6420! That’s where I got some of my ideas alreadyof things that can be done. I really want to try my hand at making some gauges but there isn’t too much out there I’ve found in the way of tutorials. I have seen some basic ones made on YouTube though.
I am no programmer at all and have needed to workaround issues with a bit of lateral thinking and a lot of luck. The prospects terrify me and really appeal to others and I wish that I still had currency on computing in general so that I could tackle things more confidently and expeditiously but the analogy here is that were I to use my existing PC skills to boil an egg, it might take a fortnight, so I raise my hat to you and everyone else here as well. Go to it and enjoy.
Never too old to learn buddy! My biggest reason for doing these is that I got cancer diagnosis little over a year ago and was forced out of the workforce. I was previously a programmer in manufacturing and have been sort of a techie all my life and I am so bored being off work and this has kept me busy since my disability forced me out. Keeps my mind going and off the thoughts and treatments of the everyday cancer routine.
My thoughts are with you and I empathise completely. Let your talents loose on this and let us know how it goes. For me, I will do what I can to program, but best not let me near anything err...mission critical, let's say.
@Black-Square I am still unable to get any output for the following items:
Mode no output
WPT no output
FRQ no output
RAD no output
DST no output
The only output that I get is the RNAV DME DST and KTKR87
ADF button- changes in sim from ADF to ANT but no output
BFO button- changes in sim but no output
FRQ button- works as expected changes standby and active frequency and also displays correct frequency selected
FLT/ET changes display in sim but no output
SET/RST works as expected -
Oh, I'm sorry I missed this for a week. I had the tab open, but I guess that cancelled the unread message notification.
I'm looking at the KNS81 code right now, so I will just copy the variables for you here:
Mode: L:var_rnavApproachMode, and L:var_rnavCourseLinearFlag.
Distance: L:var_RNAV_DISTANCE_NUMBERAs for the KR87, am I correct that you're looking for a way to detect the antenna or frequency oscillator mode? I haven't programmed that. My KR87 is a bit of an after thought, to be honest. I mostly programmed my own version just for uniformity of display with my other avionics, and so I could rid myself of any default Asobo code. If you would really like this addition for a home cockpit setup, I could probably put something together and give you some brief instructions on where to add a few lines in the code. Sorry, it's difficult for me to share javascript files through the forums. Due to security concerns, they are often flagged as dangerous files, so I would have to get someone from the support team to host the file on our servers for you. Let me know what I can do for you!
@Black-Square thanks Nick no worries I had lots of other stuff to work on. I will try these out today.
One other question I have is when I turn the course knob for the needle on the HSI the output I get is displayed like maybe 40 degrees off of what is displayed in the sim that the needle is pointing to. So let’s say I’m showing I am turned to 180° in the sim. The output that I get will be like 220° on my hardware as a number. I have looked for any lvar that could possible be showing g a number close to what I am showing in the sim and can’t see anything.
What variable are you viewing that produces the incorrect value? From the code, it looks like A:NAV OBS:1 should do the trick.
Hey Nick sorry I just realized I had the the wrong LVAR in there i had an RNAV Thanks for the reply.
@Black-Square Can you tell me what is the prop rpm output for the Turbine? I am using one and the rpm’s are not correct.