gns530 stuck at initialization at loading
update 1.2 here, when starting up the 850 on the runway, gtn750 comes up and the gns530 boots up but gets stuck at the nav db confirmation screen, non-responsive to pressing 'ENT' button.
2 ways to get the gns530 to get past this screen, 1) press 'esc' and do a 'restart' or using the tablet and selecting kx155, confirm, then reselecting gns530 and confirm.looked for any mods in the community folder that could interfere with the 530 or the tbn but nothing. is there a stale panel state file that i can delete or something?
Yeah, can't get past that screen when starting on the runway.
I have noticed this on rare occasion too with the TBM. I suspect that it has something to do with the WT GNS's hot-swapping in combination with requiring the input events for multiple GNS 530's. I will experiment and mention it to WT next time I'm in communication.
This also happens to me each time I spawn hot on the runway.
Two workarounds I’ve found.
Cycle the radio master switch off and on again.
Select a non-GNS 530 on the tablet, load that configuration, then reselect the GNS 530s on the tablet.