Cdi dials turn when turning
Hello! As I said to another user a while ago, "I saved this video, just for you :)"
@Black-Square I have bind the heading bug movement to a piece of hardware, and I use the HEADING_BUG_INC event for incrementing the heading bug, for instance. However, such event does not move the knob. Neither the NAV OBS:1 event I use to move the NAV 1 pointer.
Is there an event or LVAR that control the knob movement? -
@Black-Square oh wow! Thankyou, that's a rather bizzar feature. I have been educated, appologies for the duplication!
@hangar_101 on my SPAD setup I use
HDG: Autopilot heading lock
CRS: Nav OBS:1 -
@brennan thank you!
I'd like to move the knobs (the ones highlighted in red circles below), the heading bug and nav pointer (green circles) I can move them using the same commands you listed.
Do you know which LVARs or events can be used to move these knobs? -
Sorry, haven't focused on the visible effects so not sure. I'll have a look next time I fly.
Side note: having programmed the MD11 and A300 recently, I am totally convinced by the whole "use events to emulate inputs and just read vars for display" scheme. I hated it on the MD11 because it was different, but it removes exactly this consideration around the visual behaviour of knobs in the cockpit. Wish everyone would do it like that.