Cowl flaps and potenciometers
@Black-Square. Hi Nick, I really appreciate so much the hard work you've done with the Duke's. Of course ever are things to adjust, on this case is due to my hardware setup. Is it possible to start the airplane with the cowl flaps closed and the potenciometers equal zero? I've tried to change the values on the apron.flt and hangar.flt files, but nothing happen. I don't found nothing about on this forum. Could you help me?
Thank you for your kind words. I believe that both can be accomplished by editing the behaviors XML file, which is, .../bksq-aircraft-grandduke/model.base/PistonDuke_INT.xml. If you search for the following line of code in that file...
50 (>L:var_PanelLights_Left, number)
You can set all the lighting rheostats to whatever value out of 100 that you would like. The first batch is for when the aircraft is loaded during evening and nighttime hours, and the second is for when it's loaded during the day.
As for the cowl flaps, if you enter the following two lines directly above the one I had you search above, that should do the trick when the aircraft finishes loading.
Please let me know how this goes for you! I'm happy to help if you run into any issues.
Thanks Nick. Will try and tell you the results. By other hand, I've done a Spad.NeXt profile for Honeycomb Alpha and Beta and X-Touch Mini (that is the reason I need the cowl flaps closed and the potenciometers at zero). If anybody wish I can publish here the profile. Also the template for the X-Touch Mini.
- Dear Raller, I don't kow IRL, my request is due to the hardware settings. When the X-Touch start all the potenciometers are zero and the buttons null.
@Rolo-Bach Yes, that seems like you did the insertion correctly. That's definitly the event that I use later in the code too. Try the following, as an alternatively:
Hello Nick, I just try the new code, also don't work. To me were more important the potentiometers, and this was solved. The cowl flaps are secondary. Anyway, on the checklist > preflight > before start: it say "open the cowl flaps". Thus, is supposed they were closed.
I appreciate so much your effort to solve my request. I think I don't deserve you waste more time on it, is not so important.
I've done a simplified checklist to me and share it at
Also I bought the X-touch mini exclusively for the Duke. Yes, I became a fan of your planes.
Kind regards. -
Very strange. Sorry I didn't try these solutions before I sent them to you. I often do if it is a more difficult problem, but there is a calculus to guessing when it's necessary to wait for the simulator to load, rebuild the aircraft, run the simulation, etc... I'll give you one more possible solution, though it's a little more tedious. If you open all of the *.flt files in the "bksq-aircraft-grandduke" and "bksq-aircraft-stockduke" folders, you will find two lines (one for each engine) that read, "CowlFlapPct=100". Hopefully setting them all to zero will do the trick. As for checklists and real world operation, Outermarker is exactly correct that it's just a matter of operator preference and circumstance, mainly whether your plane is hangared or not. The checklist item is only there to ensure that you have them open for ground operations and run-up. I'm so glad you're enjoying the aircraft, btw. I design them to be flown with the same care as you would a real aircraft, and wanting to have everything "just so" in your cockpit is part of that.
@Rolo-Bach The issue with the CowlFlaps has left me no peace, as I would also like the flaps to be closed when loading in CaD state. So I went through the code.
Please undo all other attempts with CowlFlaps and just change the following two values in line 685.
It works as intended for me. (Information without guarantee)
Oh no! I'm sorry I missed that. I was overwriting the very changes that I had you make previously. I had checked to see if I used the events anywhere else, but I neglected to check for the alternative method. Thanks for pointing it out, and I'm glad it's working for you.
@Black-Square Don't matter Nick, with the thousands of code lines you've done it is absolutely normal to forget some. This is the advantage of the forum; everybody can contribute to solve the questions. Anyway, each day I enjoy more the Duke. Many thanks for your work. Of course, also many thanks to Raller.
Thank you all for the good instructions, I used the same approach and also changed the initial position for the fuel selectors.
lines #598 & #599 - new values
H hangar_101 referenced this topic on
@hangar_101 Bit off topic, but this seems to work also on a TBM.
File is ...bksq-aircraft-tbm850/SimObjects/Airplanes/bksq-aircraft-tbm850/model/AnalogTBM.xml and line number 613: