Modifying aircraft.cfg for specific tail number and locations
Discussed in the manual on page 21
For those interested in creating custom liveries, a custom PANEL.CFG file should be included in
the livery package, and referenced via the livery’s AIRCRAFT.CFG. In this PANEL.CFG, the
[VPainting01] section, specifically the “painting00” can be edited to alter the appearance of the
tail number. The parameters between the ‘?’ and the ‘,’ separated by ‘&’, control the tail number.
Below is an example tail number configuration, followed by an explanation of all the parameters.
Each position ("s" = side, "t" = tail, and "w" = winglets) has the following associated variables:
"v" = whether to show the tail number in that position (0=false, 1=true)
"x" = the nose-tail position of the tail number
"y" = the top-bottom position of the tail number
"r" = the rotation of the tail number (will accept decimals)
"k" = shears the tail number, positive values shear top towards tail
"s" = the font size of the tail number
Example "tk=30": t = tail, k = skew. This will shear the registration on the tail towards the tail of
the aircraft by 30 degrees. -
So for each livery there is a panel.cfg which should have this section
painting00=Registration/bksq_duke_registration.html?font_color=maroon&stroke_size=45&stroke_color=transparent&shadow_color=black&sv=1&sx=18&sy=41&sr=0&sk=20&ss=375&tv=1&tx=16&ty=8&tr=0&tk=20&ts=338&wv=1&wx=32&wy=20&wr=9&wk=30&ws=225, 0, 0, 3072, 3072
Since I only want the reg number on the side, not tail or winglet I'll change tv=1 to tv=0 ( remove from tail)
wv=1 to wv=0 to remove the number from the wingletDo that for all liveries