Turbine duke ICAO type and a tablet confused about fuel
I've been enjoying the fantastic turbine duke, and noticed a few small details that could be improved.
The turbine duke has a separate ICAO designator in real life of "B60T" according to ICAOs' own documents:
In the aircraft.cfg it is instead icao_type_designator = "BE60". Not a huge deal, but it does cause a few issues with external programs like fx GSX not wanting to recognise a simbrief flightplan unless you put in the wrong type - and you then have to be careful to not submit your flightplan as a piston model instead when flying online. Guess I could just change it locally but wanted to let you know.
Next small issue is the tablet doing some funky math when looking at the fuel quantities in metric units.
310+310≠550I believe it is the text on the left that has the correct mass when compared to what MSFS own fuel tool says, but that gives a density that seems to low for jetfuel. Unlike mass, the volumes seem to sum correctly. So certainly something funky going on in the calculations.
So glad you're enjoying the aircraft! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. The tablet fuel weight totals have already been discussed here, if you are interested in reading what created this bug. If not, all you have to know is that it will be fixed in the next update :)
As for the ICAO designator, thank you for reminding me that this is something that affects external software. I always forget that, since it's not something I'm in the habit of using. I had not changed the ICAO designator, because I thought that was something derived from the localization pack, like the atc_model = "TT:ATCCOM.AC_MODEL BE60.0.text", also in the aircraft.cfg, but after some searching, I don't believe that to be the case. I have already made the change, and it will be in the next update.
Thanks for the commentary, and always feel free to write with any more!
@Black-Square Perfect - thanks for a quick response on a Sunday.
Regarding fixing the ICAO code, it might then cause a little hiccup for a few users of programs like fx AirHauler, when the aircraft starts presenting itself with the correct code. I believe the aircraft then needs to be re-imported+purchased in AH for anyone not brave enough to go into database editing. So maybe include a quick text snippet in the release notes describing how you can change the ICAO type back if it is going to bankrupt their virtual company.
Thanks for the suggestion. Will do!