Feature requests
Absolutely great airplanes! Maybe we can start a thread on feature requests. Here's mine:
Save more variables so that, when you reload the plane it has the same state as when you shut it down:
- Switch positions
- Fuel
- Heading bug, OBS card, DH pointer
- Flaps positions
- Selected altitude
- Radio frequencies and transponder
- Shades positions
(But, if you left with the doors open, start with them closed. You wouldn't leave them open all night.) - A way to open and close the doors from the outside.
Please, this would be very cool. A couple of members of the flight group I'm part of think the same, including me.
I implemented my own state saving with AxisAndOhs scripts which you can find in my Duke mods repository if interested.
It currently saves things like tablet position, control locks, covers, chocks, radios on/off, fuel valves.
And also optionally save and restore aircraft position! :)
Other parameters can be added easily.
https://gitlab.com/randolf.lemmont/fs-bksq-duke-mods -
+1 for better state save saving. Does the fuel state even get saved?
I'd also like headphone simulation, and checklists inside the tablet
@rjwalter MSFS has a built-in headphone simulation option under General Options -> Sound, which works relatively OK.
And if you're using P42 Flow, you can turn it on/off without having to pause the flight to access settings. -
This is a small thing, but given that the gyros take over 30 mins to fully wind down:
I wish the engine shutdown in the turbine duke was more realistic.Both the deceleration of the turbine and the associated sound effects seem significantly sped up. (True on the TBM as well).
I wish that weren't the case. This is something that X-Plane and DCS seem to do well with their turbine simulations. -
If "better" state saving is added, then please add a few preset states to the tablet.
I like state saving right up until MSFS crashes or I am called away for an extended period and have to close the sim, which results in me spawning at an airfield in some Frankenstein flight configuration.
Where do you get state saving like that? Most planes only state save when you properly power down the plane and go out to the menu.
Either way, adding to the topic:
Some failures related to control surfaces. No point in doing a flight controls check if they cannot fail. Can be just a mild one without full control loss to not make it too deadly :D
all the above but also fix the rear cabin carpet so its straight. i know sounds stupid but its driving me crazy, i literally think about it all the time and when i see it i think about it some more.
@Tadeus72 said in Feature requests:
Where do you get state saving like that? Most planes only state save when you properly power down the plane and go out to the menu.
The Just Flight 146 does that. If I quit the flight or crash, it tries to load me into a half running plane when I load onto the tarmac next time, though fortunately they have a C&D button so it's not that big a deal.
The crashing isn't frequent but having to leave sometimes is.
@rjwalter This would normally be my preferred way of doing this, but the Duke is a special unfortunate exception, because I can't really come up with a way to do headphone jacks without completely obscuring the outside air temperature gauge. Ideas are always welcome!
If we add some weight in the nose compartment of the plane, it would be cool to see some suitcases or small handbags
@Black-Square There's an option for binding headphones simulation in MSFS but it doesn't work. Could it it possible to add such an option on the tablet ?
@Black-Square it could be just a click spot without the physical cables, like how the cows diamond does it.
@Black-Square It could be just silver metallic caps closing the holes of the sockets (maybe with the Black Square "B" logo on it, or engraved headphones). No protruding cables or so...
I would be totally fine with it just being a click spot without any graphical element. Or Asobo could finally fix the headphone mode hotkey assignment in the options after so many months :D
That saying, the inbuilt Asobo headphone mode is kind of ok-ish, headphone modes made for specific planes with their specific soundscapes work better in my experience.
I'd also like to see a dirty windshield option...or, at least, not so perfect.
@seipp 100% agree. I'm a fan of the clean/refurbished type look but never, ever have I seen a windshield as spotless as this.