Propeller heating
Is it correct, that if you test the propeller heaters individually, the right one does not increase the ampere indication?
The propeller heat will not operate on the ground unless you are holding the propeller heat test button. When you hold the button, the normal cycle of operation will begin, which I believe starts with the left engine. After 30 seconds, the left heat will turn off, and then a few seconds later, the right heat will turn on. I hope that answers the question you were asking.
Thank you. I think, I did not press the button long enough. Sorry.
ahh... this could explain why the right prop heater only giving a short spike in amp usage when activated.
But why there are two switches though. -
The two switches just enable/disable each propeller's heater coils, but the timing electronics are always operating when there is power to one of the coils.
Yes, sorry! I forgot to answer that part of your message. I seem to recall the way that I programmed that functionality, I would not be surprised if there is a momentary current spike before the timing controller activates.