list of MSFS assignments for controllers
Would love to assign my hardware switches to be used for the Turbine. The six rocker switches for engine start up
The ignition on, off, auto
The Gen On, Starter On and Off
The fuel pump Wing, Aux, OffWhat are the MSFS default controller options for these switches if available?
"Primary Control Variables" section on page 139 of the manual:
L:var_IgnitionSwitch_L 0 = ON, 2 = AUTO L:var_IgnitionSwitch_R 0 = ON, 2 = AUTO L:var_StarterGenSwitch_L 0 = GEN, 2 = START L:var_StarterGenSwitch_R 0 = GEN, 2 = START L:var_FuelPumpSwitch_L 0 = WING, 2= AUX L:var_FuelPumpSwitch_R 0 = WING, 2= AUX
But what about MSFS controller options without using external software?
Like Just Flight is doing for their BAE146 and F28, to control AP pitch, sync and other function for exemple
While some functions are closely related enough to core simulator functions to allow for behaviors (such as autopilots) to be overwritten for more complex aircraft, the same does not apply to all controls.
For example, the three way rocker switches that control the engine ignition in this aircraft cannot be made by modifying native simulator commands, because mapping two separate switches for the ON and AUTO positions would allow you to have the aircraft's ignition in ON and AUTO modes simultaneously, which is contradictory to the code in the aircraft.
I hope that helps explain the situation. Always happy to help if you have any more questions.
Looking at the code, I see no reason that the following events should not work to control the autopilot. Also, as a reminder, there is a hidden clickspot on the right of the altitude selector for controlling the pitch knob.
K:AP_PITCH_REF_INC_DN K:AP_PITCH_REF_INC_UP K:AP_PITCH_REF_SET (-16384 and 16384... so one degree of change is 1,092 units of change)
Those aren’t options in the “controls option” menu within msfs. The only thing I find that comes close is in my post above, and they don’t work to control the pitch wheel.
Edit: I see in another thread there is an XML change that’s possibly needed before this will work. I’ll try that.
@Black-Square So lets say I want to use these LVARs in either AAO or FSUIPC.
I would like to use the following
L:var_FuelPumpSwitch_L 0 = WING
L:var_IgnitionSwitch_L 0 = ON
L:var_StarterGenSwitch_L 2 = START
L:var_StarterGenSwitch_L 0 = GENin that order for a 5 position rotary switch where the 1st position is unused. So from the starting position and rotating it one over clockwise turns on the left wing pump, then the next position clockwise turns on the ignition switch to On, then the next clockwise position turns on the ignition starter and finally the last one turns of the ignition starter and turns on the generator.
Can someone provide screenshots or a short video on how to do this? Perhaps a MCRO file for FSUIPC? If so what do I type in a notepad txt file and where do I put it?
@Kilstorm in AAO, first collect all Lvars: menu Scripting -> Read Lvars from sim,
then when creating a new button assignment, click on the key down event, and find the Lvar you want to set, and on the right of the field, change the number to what you want to set the variable to.
That way you can set various Lvars using your buttons. That should get you started. If you run into any problem, feel free to ask for details.