Lean of Peak Selection
Hi folks,
I'm a bit thrown as to how to select the "lean of peak" leaning mode on the engine monitor for the piston Duke- the manual says to press both control buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds, but to my knowledge there's no way in FS to actually depress two virtual buttons at once. Has anyone successfully done this?
there is a click spot between the two switch , like for cowl flaps, you can hit /use two simultaneously
@Nicotine70 I had no idea we could do both cowl flaps at once! You're doing The Lord's work! =)
Hahaha thanks, but that s probably too much. about the EDM that was already the case in previous aircraft such as the Bonanza or Baron
about cowl flaps everything is in the manuals ;) I know it s lot of information to ingest when jumping in a new plane but they are very instructive