Important Information about the Release
So, with all of the noise and conjecture about SU15 and how this is going to affect things when it comes to the Dukes releasing we thought it wise to try and calm the water and help clarify things for you all. Can I please point you to this news item (link below) that we've just this morning published.
This fully explains the situation, the options you will have and what you'll need to do when installing the Duke(s) and then what needs doing as and when SU15 releases.
Really hope this helps and by all means spread the word regarding this news item.
Thank you.
Black Square Black Square Developerwrote on 9 May 2024, 11:01 last edited by Black Square 9 May 2024, 12:09
To make this information as easy to locate as possible, here is a fresh reminder for any users looking to patch their Working Title GNS 530/430 so that it can be used with the Dukes in SU14. This is only required if you are on SU14 (as opposed to SU15 Beta), and want to use the WT GNS before SU15 and have not done so already for previous Black Square aircraft. As soon as the simulator is updated to SU15, you may disregard this information.
This patch is optional and only for users who wish to use the WT GNS 530 with the Dukes before SU15.
Due to a bug introduced with SU14, the following change can be made to your local copy of:
...\Official\OneStore\workingtitle-instruments-garmin-gns\html_ui\Pages\VCockpit\Instruments\NavSystems\GPS\WT530\WT530B.js (and WT430B.js)
Search for "Update loop for the main screen", and replace the existing update function with the following:
update() { var _a, _b; const isPrimaryInstrument = this.props.options.navIndex === 1; this.clock.onUpdate(); this.props.backplane.onUpdate(); if (isPrimaryInstrument) { (_a = this.autopilot) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.update(); // Planner update const now =; if (now - this.lastCalculate > 3000) { this.planner.hasFlightPlan(msfsGarminsdk.Fms.PRIMARY_PLAN_INDEX) && this.planner.getFlightPlan(msfsGarminsdk.Fms.PRIMARY_PLAN_INDEX).calculate(); // SimVar.SetSimVarValue('K:HEADING_GYRO_SET', SimVarValueType.Number, 0); this.lastCalculate = now; } this.gpsSynchronizer.update(); } (_b = this.vnavController) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.update(); if (this.currentPowerState === PowerState.On || this.currentPowerState === PowerState.OnSkipInit) { this.gpsSatComputer.onUpdate(); } }
Thank you all, much appreciated.
Does... does it mean... where is the "shut up and take my money" button? where?!!! TELL MEEEEE!!! 😱🤪🫨
@Voice-of-Reason So when will it actually be available for purchase?
@Randolf Very soon. As in don't leave the room...
ohoh... guess there are more people F5´ing now xD
Will the the PMS GTN 750 work?
I see its avaiable, however when I try and purchase the bundle I get a product not found error message =)
Yea, the individual aircraft seem to be available, but can't find the bundle yet :)
I see the price, but no buy button, only "Email me" 🙂
EDIT... now... it's there. -
We gonna crash their servers, big time ;-)
the bundle link is not valid yet?
The planes are now able to be purchased separately, but still no bundle link. I'm anxious to get flying!! But I do want the cost savings of buying both!!
@Robera30 yes there is a bundle link.. available now
@storemaster right as I posted that comment! good timing
@Black-Square said in Important Information about the Release:
Due to a bug introduced with SU14, the following change can be made to your local copy of:
...\Official\OneStore\workingtitle-instruments-garmin-gns\html_ui\Pages\VCockpit\Instruments\NavSystems\GPS\WT530\WT530B.js (and WT430B.js)
For Steam users, just go to your community folder then go up one level, you should find your Official folder there along with your Community folder (and of course you go to Official\Steam not Official\OneStore)
lol - no sign on the server for me yet and it's VERY slow - you lot must have slashdotted it