A small glitch in the Baron
Hello creators of the Steam Gauge Overhaul (and the oncoming Dukes) which are the best and most interesting virtual airplanes ever made. :)
I don´t fly anything else anymore and I really wanted to thank you for this interesting challenge of learning navigation without using any GPS, how lean a piston engine, managing VOR and GA-radiostacks, and much more GA-flying and retro navigation related stuff I had so much fun learning in the past weeks.
I will never stop praising the Black Square planes in all flight sim forums because they are truly something very special.If you plan to still continue to support and update these good old Beechcrafts now and then I wanted to notify about a small visual glitch between the front and passenger seats where the emergency gear lever is nested. The developer probably wants to clean these two white stripes that hoover between the seats for a perfect flawless looking interior.
Otherwise a perfect plane and I am also absolutely excited about the new Duke series :)
This new level of GA plane realism is so amazing and fascinating!!
How are the plans for this beautyful aircraft for FS2024 - what happens if Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 doesn´t have any Beechcrafts anymore in the default fleet - will a new installer for the Baron and Bonanza be made so it keeps usable in FS2024?Have a wonderful week,
kind regards
JetCat -
Hi JetCat! Thanks for the praise. I'm absolutely delighted to hear that you've been enjoying my aircraft so much. It sounds like they were designed for exactly what you've been doing with them. While others are developing lifesaving medical technology, at least I can tell myself that I am helping aviation enthusiasts become the best virtual pilots and aircraft owners that they can be.
I was quite shocked by your screenshots. I would have thought it was impossible for me to miss something like that while developing those aircraft. It's nothing in my model, so I did some investigative work. It's part of the landing gear assembly in Asobo's exterior model, unfortunately. It appears that the Baron's exterior model was updated in August of 2023, so it's possible that it was added after I released the aircraft. If I had seen that before, I definitely would have put some baggage or something there to cover it up, because I just couldn't stand for such an unsightly thing.
I'm glad you're looking forward to the Dukes! It was very unfortunate to have to delay them, and I hope people haven't forgotten about them! Unfortunately, I know as much about FS2024 as you do right now, so anything I said about it would be pure speculation. All I can say for sure is what's completely in my control, which is that I've been planning on creating new versions of some of these Steam Gauge Overhaul aircraft with all my modern features for FS2024 that are free of the limitations of the Asobo exterior models. I hope this will make them some of the best aircraft for MSFS, just like the Dukes. I can't wait to see you guys out there flying them!
@Black-Square I doubt most of us are going to forget about the Dukes! Waiting is hard, but I have faith the results will be worth it.
I just hope you won’t forget about your MSFS 2020 planes as soon as 2024 comes out. I have a strong feeling that 2024’s system requirements will be going up, and if so, my computer likely won’t be able to run it well enough, so I expect to be flying 2020 for some years yet. At least MS has said that 2020 will continue to be developed after 2024 is out, and I hope that proves true.