Is the autopilot’s Half Bank mode working ?
Hello ! I have noticed that engaging the Half Bank mode on the autopilot does not seem to make any change in the handling of the turns… pretty scary for my passengers when in high level cruise !
Is the function implemented or not ?
Aside from that, this aircraft is absolutely awesome, what a joy to fly 😃 (and would be absolutely perfect with less annoying engine sounds 😉) ! -
Glad you've been enjoying the aircraft! No comment on engine sounds right now, but I've always said that it was something in consideration.
The half-bank mode is dependent on the autopilot implementation in MSFS, often not the aircraft's configuration. Last time I checked, the half-bank mode was working with all GPS configurations except the Working Title GNS 530. Is that what you've been using? I demonstrated to Working Title how this could be made dynamic in their code to adopt the settings of the aircraft configuration, but they have not implemented it yet.