cant start bonanza
I am following the checklist for the cold start in the bonanza and it is not starting.
starting at KSLC
here is a video
can someone help me -
Here are my two videos on starting those reciprocating engine aircraft. The hot-start checklist might be enough to get you going, but if you've flooded the engine while trying to start, you can use the flooded start checklist. If you would like to just start from scratch, you can reset the engine start by repairing them in the weather radar display.
@Black-Square I used the cold start checklist. Is there a way to tell if you flooded the engine?
Unfortunately not. This will change with the tablet interface that I'm working on right now. If you're willing to enable developer mode, you can check the variable L:var_fuelInCylinders, though. I recommend just resetting the engines via the weather radar interface, and then following the videos. I perform a normal cold start of the Baron's left engine in the second video.
@Black-Square ok I have ran into the issue before but I was able to get a work around to where as soon as I start the engine I go full power and the engine would start successfully but since redownloading the aircraft that doesnt work anymore
@Black-Square can you tell me what I am doing wrong cause I am sure I am doing everything correctly
Did you try resetting the engines by pressing the "Repair Engine" hotkey on the weather radar display? Also, check for any active failures, such as "engine failure", or any magneto failures. If that still doesn't work, you could share a video of what you're doing. That would be very helpful.
How long are you running the fuel pump? In cold weather I find I have to run it for at least 7 seconds. Open the throttle fully and run the pump on hi. Then set the throttle to less than half or so and try it. If you think it's flooded, just close the throttle and condition lever and try again. Once it starts push the condition lever back up.
Okay, I watched you video. That pump ran maybe 2 seconds tops. Count out one one thousand, two one thousand, et cetera. Try at about 7 seconds.
watching tutorials I did atleast 10 seconds and I still got the same result
tyleraviator1999replied to Orlaam on 12 Jan 2024, 17:33 last edited by tyleraviator1999 12 Jan 2024, 17:33
@Orlaam here is another video of me running into the same issue
Firewalling the throttle as soon as the engine starts cranking does not allow for the correct mixture of air and fuel in the cylinders.
Also, can you confirm that you reset the engine condition before trying again, just to reset everything?
Follow the steps as they appear in this video. Try moving the throttle slowly from fully closed to 1/4 open and back again while cranking. This will ensure that you hit the correct air-fuel ratio at some point.
@Black-Square sorry for the late reply, before I had to reinstall msfs that is what worked to get the engine started but now it doesnt. This is a very annoying aircraft and I dont like it. I restarted the engine and everything and nothing worked
Feel free to upload another video of what you're trying. I'm happy to take a look and see if I can spot what you're missing.
Thanks for the thorough video.
One thing I noticed in this video was the blinking standby alternator warning. I thought this was fixed in the latest version of the Bonanza, but we generally see that when a hardware peripheral (almost always the honeycomb bravo) is spamming an event that it should not be, in this case, it's (>K:2:ALTERNATOR_SET). This may be indicative of other hardware bindings that are interfering with the starting process, but that's just a possibility.
Your procedure was correct. You ran the fuel pump on high for a little long, but that should not preclude a normal start. However, you cannot expect a start to happen within four seconds of engaging the starter motor every time. If you adjust the throttle slowly from 0-25% of its travel while starting, I all but guarantee that it will start with your current procedure.
@Black-Square the only thing I am changing is holding the starter for a bit longer but the engine will not start
Did you slowly vary the throttle while cranking? Engine's require a very specific fuel-to-air ratio to begin combustion, so adjusting the throttle will ensure that you hit that perfect ratio at some point. Also, it might be worth testing this without any peripherals connected to your computer, so we can rule that out as a possible cause.
so disconnect the honeycomb yoke and throttle?
@Black-Square so I started it without any controls connected and it started as it should
I am going to see if it starts with the controls now